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调水工程河道内生态需水量研究及实例分析 吴春华 轩晓博  ((黄河勘测规划设计有限公司,河南 郑州 450003) 【摘 要】 生态需水的研究已成为国内外地球科学领域普遍关注的一个热点问题。南水北调西线工程调水河流生态需水量的计算也是调水规模论证的基础。在对生态需水相关理论进行概括总结的基础上,应用国内外较为成熟的水文学和水力学方法,对西线调水工程的河道内生态需水量进行了分析计算,并根据南水北调西线工程调水区独特的生态环境保护目标,考虑主要保护两岸植被及河道内的水生生物,且结果能满足维持河流生态系统健康的需要,选取针对性的方法对河流生态需水量进行了分析与计算。结果表明:为满足不同保护对象对生态环境需水的要求,调水河段生态环境需水采用各月生态环境需水的外包线,即3~6月为4 m3/s~55m3/s,7~2月为2 m3/s~40m3/s。河道内年均生态分别为:热巴40m3/s,阿安、仁达、珠安达、霍那均为6m3/s,洛若、克柯2均为2.7m3/s。: The field of ecological water demand has been one of the research foci of geographical sciences in the world. The calculation of ecological water demand in water exporting river of the first stage of western line from south to north water transfer project is the base of water transfer scale argumentation. Based on the summary of ecological water demand theory research, we calculated the ecological river flow of water transfer project by ripe hydrology and hydraulics method. we also considered the need of keeping river system health and protecting the plants of side banks and the living things in river reaches according to the unique eco-environment of western route in water exporting region and the goal of environment protection. Then we selected counter methods to calculate the ecological water demand in river reaches. The results stated that the ecological water demand of water exporting river adopt epibolic various month ecological water. That is 4 m3/s~55m3/s2 m3/s~40m3/sThe yearly average ecological water is 40m3/s m3 s-1 for Reba,6 m3 s-1 for Aan,Renda,Zhuanda and Huona,2.7 m3 s-1 for Luoruo and Keke respectively. Key words: The first stage of western line from south to north water transfer project; Water exporting river; Ecological water demand 调水工程的实施,必将导致坝址下游河道水量的减少,而使自然系统中的元素发生“互相挤占用水”现象,一旦生态环境因子的用水被挤占,生态系统就会恶化。因此,对水域生态系统来说,必须预留一部分天然水量,以维持原有生态系统的平衡。河道最小生态需水量是保证在调水后维持河道原有生态的基本河道需水量,在实际调水工程中如何计算和确定河道需水量,对于发挥工程的最大效益、维持河道生态系统良性循环有着非常重要的意义。 1 生态需水量的理论 1.1 生态需水量概念 生态需水(Ecological Water Requirement),有学者认为,是指在一定的生态目标下,维持特定时空范围内生态系统与自然环境正常


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