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When specific accounts are determined to be uncollectible, they are written off against the allowance for bed debt. Recall from the previous example, assume that on January 30 2010, Wane Co. identifies 10000 account to be uncollectible after great efforts of collection. It makes the following entry to write off the bad debt. 壤昧伺辟柳临膀身柳敖冒钻现奴勃介吊榷柜沦姓兰掘悦全车线咽竭努养爬会计英语八章会计英语八章 2010 Jan 30 Dr. bad debt allowance 10000 Cr. Accounts receivable 10000 Note that the write-off of a bad debt affects only balance sheet accounts. 沁卢谷曝缕鸣吴流时涅鲍资脖幼祭误皑蹄离床莆闻遏溯港逻临嘉省钵劈画会计英语八章会计英语八章 Another method for estimating uncollectible accounts on balance sheet relation is aging of accounts receivable method. Using this method, each receivable is classified by how long it is past due date, then estimates of uncollectible amounts are made for each class of accounts receivable assuming that the longer an amount is past due, the more likely it is to be uncollectible 邵蔗租鸟部吭举槐梅踞要燎蔚逼亭手粉卧筑赏蹿仟歌处挑羌荣阂堆躁爽矗会计英语八章会计英语八章 Occasionally, the company will receive cash from a customer after the account has been written off earlier. It is called the recovery of an uncollectible account 薯芥焰赶囚歉牧贰除笋旅仲径渴瞅淆弥疗滥耕栓虽雹邦锦虽凉平溢扣捐厘会计英语八章会计英语八章 Assume that on march 20. 2010, Wane Co, receivable 6500 from customer on account that had been written off previously. The entries are as follows: Dr. Accounts receivable 6500 Cr. Bad debt allowance 6500 Dr. Cash 6500 Cr. Accounts receivable 6500 簇矽噪卿五放烁评冈床阀贫爱胚字洒竖壬酣沼见帚潮少伐理啥钮币澡郭桶会计英语八章会计英语八章 Sometimes, a company grants credit to customer in exchange for a promissory note. A note is a written document that promises to pay a specified amount of money unconditionally on a definite future date or demand. 垂啼僧抄勺拥答碉涅鸣缝菏勒垮栋济龟秋脉证趾阀究詹卡辜玛志赘绩土痔会计英语八章会计英语八章 The face value of a note is called the principal. The maker of a note is the party who receives the credit and promises to pay the note’s holder. The maker classifies the note as a note payable. The payee is the


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