Hedgehog signal response【DOC精选】.doc

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Hedgehog信号通路Hedgehog(Hh)是1980年从果蝇体内分离的一种分节极性基因。其突变可使果蝇胚胎发育成毛团状,酷似刺猬,故而得名。它在其他生物和哺乳动物亦广泛存在,是一种高度保守的基因。哺乳动物Hh有SHh、IHh和DHh三个同源基因,其编码蛋白质都含有Hh-N和Hh-C两个结构域。前者是一种分泌型糖蛋白,具有信号传递活性,后者具有蛋白质水解酶和胆固醇转移酶功能。Hh可以通过ptc和Smo两种受体发挥信号传递作用,在细胞分化、胚胎发育、器官形成、损伤修复和肿瘤发生中都有重要生理和病理意义,是近年来颇受关注的一个细胞传递分子。Hh信号传递通路 Hh的作用机理 Hh与其他信号通路 Hh与胚胎发育 Hh与肿瘤 A paracrine requirement for hedgehog signalling in cancer Hedgehog signalling in breast cancer Expansion of Bcr-Abl-Positive Leukemic Stem Cells Is Dependent on Hedgehog Pathway Activation Mechanisms of Hedgehog pathway activation in cancer and implications for therapy Stroma-Initiated Hedgehog Signaling Takes Center Stage in B-Cell Lymphoma Cell division, growth and death-The primary cilia, a ‘Rab-id’ transit system for hedgehog signaling Activation of Hedgehog Signaling in Human Cancer Blockade of hedgehog signaling pathway as a therapeutic strategy for pancreatic cancer Crosstalk of hedgehog and Wnt pathways in gastric cancer Deconstructing the Hedgehog Pathway in Development and Disease Fibroblast growth factors and Hedgehogs-at the heart of the epicardial signaling center Following the Hedgehog to New Cancer Therapies Hedgehog Signaling Hedgehog Signaling in Development and Cancer Hedgehog signalling in endocrine development and disease Hedgehog signalling-Emerging evidence for non-canonical pathways Implications of hedgehog signaling antagonists for cancer therapy Inhibition of Hedgehog Signaling Enhances Delivery of Chemotherapy in a Mouse Model of Pancreatic Cancer Mechanisms of Hedgehog pathway activation in cancer and implications for therapy Novel receptor antagonists for cancer therapy-hedgehog pathway inhibitors Recent progress in the study of Hedgehog signaling Signaling in Development and Homeostasis of the Gastrointestinal Tract Signaling Pathways Controlling Second Heart Field Development Stroma-Initiated Hedgehog Signaling Takes Center Stage in B-Cell Lymphoma Trafficking, development and hedg


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