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Unit 4 lesson 8 My Graduation Speech 2. Language points eminence n. superiority in rank, position, achievement, etc. 出众,卓越 revel vi. make merry; celebrate noisily 作乐;狂欢 tedious a. long and boring; uninteresting 冗长的;乏味的 pointless a. without meaning or purpose 无意义的;无目的的 inspirational a. of or giving inspiration 有灵感的;给予灵感的;鼓舞人心的 inspiration n. 灵感;鼓舞人心的人(或事物) banal a. dull or unoriginal 陈腐的,老一套的 hereby ad. by doing or saying this; as a result of this 据此;因此 permission n. consent; authorization 同意;许可 permissible a. 可允许的,许可的 foremost ad. in the first place; before all else 首先;首要地 ancestor n. any (esp. remote) person from whom one is descended 祖先,祖宗 spiritual a. of or concerning the spirit as opposed to matter 精神上的 align v. come, bring or arrange into a line (使)成一直线 literate a. able to read and write; having studied or read a great deal 有读写能力的;有文化修养的 vigor n. great physical or mental strength 精力,活力 vigorous a. full of vigor; showing physical strength or activity 精力旺盛的;充满活力的 epic n. a long poem about the deeds of gods and great men, or the early history of a nation 叙事长诗;史诗 unsurpassed a. unexcelled, not capable of being improved on 未被超越的;超群的,卓绝的 moderation n. avoidance of excesses or extremes; the ability or quality of keeping ones desires within reasonable limits 适度;节制 ecology n. the branch of biology dealing with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings 生态学 flourish vi. grow vigorously; prosper; be in ones prime 繁荣;兴旺;处于旺盛时期 spectacularly ad. in a spectacular manner, stunningly 引人注目地;令人吃惊地 spectacular a. grandly out of the ordinary; striking or amazing 壮观的;令人称奇的 horseman n. a rider on horseback; a skilled rider 骑马的人;骑手 marauder n. a person or animal that goes about searching for things to steal, people to attack, etc. (尤指流动作案的)强盗,抢劫者;攫食的动物 ruthless a. having no pity or compassion 无情的;残忍的 brutal a. having or showing no tender human feeling; cruel 残忍的;野蛮的;残酷的


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