Study Guide for Topic 【DOC精选】.doc

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Study Guide 1 for History of Western Culture Note: This study guide only serves as an outline, you need to read all the reading assignments and use an encyclopedia or some other reference sources (following the internet links provided) to round out your knowledge. At the end of each lecture, two types of questions will be given: identification questions: you need to write brief (who, what, when, where, significance) answers to these questions. These notes are important study aids in preparing for the final examination. questions for reflection and discussion: These assignments are designed to engage you in thinking on your own or discussing with other students in the course. Some of the questions will be discussed in class. Your responses should reflect a knowledge of the materials that you have read and viewed, but even more important, they should reflect some creative thinking on your part. They are not designed for simple regurgitation of facts. ALL ASSIGNED READINGS MUST BE DONE PRIOR TO CLASS TIME.? Topic 1 What is Cultute and Why do We have to learn the history of it? 什么是文化?为什么学习文化史? Mesopotamia Civilization美索不达米亚(两河)文明 What is Civilisation and Why do We have to learn the history of it? ways of seeing Confucian tradition儒教传统 《三字经》(Three-Character Classic ) 人之初?性本善?性相近?习相远? People?at birth are naturally good.Their natures are similar; their habits become different. 苟不教?性乃迁 教之道?贵以专 If,?negligently, not taught, their nature deteriorates. The right way?to teach, is?with absolute concentration. Michelangelo米开朗基罗(1475-1564): The Fall of Man 人类的堕落and the Expulsion from the Garden of Eden(驱出伊甸园) “Man, when perfected, is the best of animals, but when separated from law and justice, he is the worst of all. ” when man is without virtue, man is the most unscrupulous and savage of animals ---the control of dark nature can be found only in a well-ordered society Ways of seeing the world---world views(世界观) How we give meaning to the ideas and phen



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