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国际海洋法 第一节 概述 一、国际海洋法的概念 The law of the sea is that law by which States regulate their relations in respect of the marine territory subject to coastal State jurisdiction and those areas of the sea and sea bed beyond any national jurisdiction. 三、国际海洋法的编纂 Codification of International Law of the Sea relevant conventions are: a) Convention on the Territorial sea and the Contiguous Zone 1959 [TSC], (entered into force on Sept. 10,1964); 领海与毗连区公约 b) Convention on the Continental Shelf 1958[CSC], (Jun. 10,1964); 大陆架公约 c) Convention on Fishing and the Conservation of the Living Resources of the High Seas 1958[FC], (Mar. 20,1966); 捕鱼和养护公海生物资源公约 d) Convention on the High Seas 1958[HSC], (Sept. 30, 1962);公海公约 and e) United Nations Convention on the law of the sea (Law of the Sea Convention ) 1982[LOSC], ( Nov. 16, 1994)。联合国海洋法公约 四、领海基线 baselines of the territorial sea The starting point for establishing the maritime zones. The baselines of a state serve dual functions: They demarcate the state’s internal waters from external waters. They also provide the lines from which the outer limits of maritime zones will be measured . Thus, all waters of a state that are landward of its baselines are internal waters and are an integral part of the territory of the coastal State, and are treated virtually as if they were part of the state’s land territory. Waters seaward of a state’s baselines are subject to the law of the sea. According to Law of the Sea Convention , there are two types of baselines: 1. 正常基线 normal baseline / natural baseline LOSC Article 5 “the normal baseline for measuring the breadth of the territorial sea is the low-water line along the coast as marked on large-scale charts officially recognized by the coastal State. ” 测算领海宽度的正常基线是沿海国官方承认的大比例尺海图所标明的沿岸低潮线。” 2. 直线基线 Straight baselines LOSC Article 7 (1) “In localities where the coastline is deeply indented and cut into, or if there is a fringe of islands along the coast in


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