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上海大学留学生活动申请表 申请人姓名 申请人学号 申请人专业 申请人联系方式 活动类别 □学术 □文体 □志愿服务 □其他 ________________ 参与人员 参与人数:_____人 是否有校外人员参与: □是 □ 否 活动时间 年 月 日 时 至 时 活动地点 □宝山校区 □ 延长校区 □室内地点:_______________________________ □室外地点: _______________________________ □校外地点:________________________________ 活动内容 (主题、组织及宣传方式等) 是否有宣传制品 □是 □否 内容:____________________________ 活动须知 校内举办的任何活动需提前五个工作日向留学生管理办公室提出申请,征得同意后方可举办。 活动期间必须严格遵守校纪校规,不得酗酒打架,不得喧哗吵闹。 活动期间必须严格遵守活动地点和活动时间的规定。 活动中不得进行商业宣传、宗教仪式、传教。 申请人必须对所申请活动负责,确保活动安全顺利进行。 如有违反者,学院将按照相关规定处罚,并取消今后活动申请资格。 申请人签名: 申请时间: 事务办意见: 是否需报校级部门:□是 □ 否 签名: 学院意见: 签名: Application Form for Shanghai University International Students Activities Name of Applicant Student ID of Applicant Major of Applicant Telephone of Applicant Activity Category □Academic □Culture and Sports □Voluntary Service □Others___________ Participants The number of participants:_____________ If there is any external participant □Yes □ No Activity Time Date Time period Activity Location □Baoshan Campus □ Yanchang Campus □Indoor:___________________________ □Outdoor: _______________________________ □Off-campus:______________________________ Activity Content (Theme,Methods of Organization and Publicity) If there is any promotional product □Yes □ No Content______________________ Activity Notes 1. Application should be proposed to International Students Office 5 work days in advance. 2. Abide by college disciplines, intemperance, fight and pandemonium are not allowed. 3. Abide by the rules of activity location and time. 4. Business, religious ceremonies, missionary activities are not allowed during activities. 5. Applicants should be responsible for and ensure the safety of relevant activities. 6. Violators would be punished and deprived of the application qualification. Signature of Applicant: Application Time: Opinion of Affairs Office: Report to school Department whether or not □


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