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Contents Overview of Telecom Services in Taiwan Overview of Chunghwa Telecom A Case Study – ADSL in CHT A Coming New Era for CHT Conclusions Overview of Telecom Services in Taiwan Population: 22 millions GNP per Capital: US$ 12,982 Fixed-wired lines per 100 Population: 57.9 Cellular subscribers per 100 Population: 104.7 PC penetration rate: 0.61 per household Internet users/penetration rate: 8 M / 36% Fully Opened Telecom Market - 4 Fixed Network Operators, 6 2G-Mobile Operators, 5 3G-Licenses Issued, … Overview of Telecom Services in Taiwan DSL and Cable Modem in Taiwan Overview of Telecom Services in Taiwan Taiwan is the Top 2 DSL Density Country in the World Overview of Chunghwa Telecom Migrating Rapidly to a Growth Portfolio ADSL in CHT ADSL - Target Customers All three markets of Residential Consumers, Business and Government are addressed Residential Consumers Business Government ADSL in CHT SPUR ADSL comes with Key Successful Factors Right Time Slot Acceptable Price Uniquely Designed for ILECs Low Risk ADSL in CHT SPUR – time Slot Right Time Slot ADSL in CHT SPUR - Price Acceptable Price ADSL in CHT SPUR - Uniqueness Uniqueness ADSL in CHT SPUR - Risk Low Risk ADSL in CHT HiNet – the Best ISP in Taiwan HiNet - the all seasons best award winner Best Choice of IT Managers: 1997,1998,1999,2000,2001 Best Choice of users: 1997,1998,1999,2000’2001 Best ADSL: 2001 ADSL in CHT Wireless LAN and ADSL 802.11b - 11Mb/s in 2.4 GHz - 4,500+ hot spots (July, 2002) - 10,000+ home/business (Nov., 2002) Complement to ADSL Access solution = WLAN + ADSL A coming new era for CHT Bright Future -- e-Taiwan a View from CHT Taiwan has set a 6-year “e-Taiwan” project, Telecom related issues including: 6M broadband users 95% FTTC coverage 1,250Gbps island-wide backbone bandwidth 250Gbps international bandwidth 1.15M Wireless LAN users A coming new era for CHT Enhanced BB Services More bandwidth, more applicatio


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