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《港口装卸工艺》课程英语词汇 序号 英文 中文 1 port area(port district) 港区 2 waterside area of port 港口水域 3 landside area of port 港口陆域 4 port hinterland 港口腹地 5 single user wharf(dedicated wharf) 专用码头 6 general cargo wharf 件杂货码头 7 multipurpose terminal 多用途码头 8 container terminal 集装箱码头 9 all weather wharf 全天候码头 10 port operation meeting 调度会议 11 port dispatching 港口调度 12 throughput capacity of storage 库场通过能力 13 port’s throughput 港口吞吐量 14 calendar machine-hours of cargo handling machinery 装卸机械日历台时 15 workable machine-hours 装卸机械完好台时 16 machines-hours at work(gross machine-hours) 装卸机械工作台时 17 coefficient of readiness of cargo handling machinery 装卸机械完好率 18 utilization factor of cargo handling machinery 装卸机械利用率 19 cargo handling technology of ports 港口装卸工艺 20 cargo handling process 装卸过程 21 technological process of cargo handling 装卸工艺流程 22 man-hours for loading/discharging 装卸作业工时 23 unit operation of cargo handling 操作工序 24 cargo handling operation 作业环节 25 birth assigning 指泊 26 feedback process 返输流程 27 intertank transfer process 倒罐流程 28 oil loading/discharging of by pumping 泵装(卸)油 29 oil loading/discharging by gravity flow 自流装(卸)油 30 cargo handling process card 工艺卡 31 gathering/distribution system of a port 港口集/疏运系统 32 cargo handling operation with fixed machinery and moving ship 定机移船作业 33 cargo handling operation with movable machinery and fixed ship 定船移机作业 34 mechanization of cargo handling 装卸作业机械化 35 mechanization system of cargo handling 装卸机械化系统 36 dispatch of ship 船舶速遣 37 demurrage of ship 船舶滞期 38 degree of mechanization of cargo handling 装卸作业机械化比重 39 car loading/unloading operation 装/卸车作业 40 storage operation 库场作业 41 up-down operation on inclined slip 上下坡作业 42 interfloor operation 上下楼作业 43 underdeck operation 舱内作业 44 on deck operation 舱面作业 45 operation in car 车内作业 46 cargo handling operation line 装卸作业线 47 multilinear operation 多路作业 48 lashing and securing of cargo 捆绑加固作业 49 midstream transfer 水上作业 50 lighterage operation 过泊作业 51 overside t


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