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电光调Q双脉冲输出Nd:YAG全固态激光器 李峰 王君涛 殷苏勇 朱小磊* (中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所, 上海市全固态激光与应用重点实验室,上海 201800) 摘要:文章设计了LD双端面抽运传导冷却复合Nd:YAG晶体电光调Q激光器,实现脉冲间隔可调的双Q脉冲输出。用两个光纤耦合输出的LD模块作为抽运源,BBO晶体作为Q开关,在一个泵浦周期内两次启动Q开关,获得脉冲能量大于14 mJ/脉冲,脉宽 (18 ns,脉冲间隔200 (s-230 (s可调的双Q脉冲输出,激光器重复频率50Hz,光-光转换效率达到24%。探索了用KD*P调Q晶体开关实现稳定双脉冲输出的可行性,通过抑制压电环效应,消除子脉冲现象,最终获得脉冲能量约11mJ/脉冲,脉宽约(18ns。 关键字 激光技术;Nd:YAG激光器;双脉冲激光; KD*P调Q;BBO调Q 中图分类号:TN248.1 文献标识码 A Electro-optical Q-switched Double-pulse Laser output Nd:YAG All Solid-State Laser Li Feng Wang Juntao Yin Suyong Zhu Xiaolei* Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Key Laboratory of All Solid-State Laser and Applied Techniques, Shanghai 201800, China Abstract A LD dual-end pumped, conductively cooled, electro-optical Q-switched composite Nd:YAG laser is designed. Double-pulse laser output with adjustable pulse interval is achieved. By using two fiber-coupled LD modules as the pumping source, BBO crystal as the Q-switch, we acquire double-pulse laser output by opening the Q-switch twice in a pumping cycle time, and the laser is capable of producing two Q-switched 1064nm laser with the single pulse energy more than 14 mJ and pulse width less than 18 ns, the interval between the two pulses is adjustable from 200(s to 230(s at the repetition of 50 Hz, the optical-to-optical efficiency reaches 24%. Furthermore, we explore the feasibility of stable double-pulse laser output by using the Q-switched crystal KD*P, by suppressing the piezoelectric ring effect of KD*P, we remove the sub-pulse phenomenon and obtain double-pulse laser output with 11 mJ per pulse and pulse width less than 18 ns. Key words laser technology; Nd:YAG lasers; double-pulse laser; KD*P Q-switch; BBO Q-switch OCIS codes: 140.3470; 140.3540; 140.3580; 280.1910 作者简介:李峰(1987--),男,硕士研究生,主要从事双脉冲激光器技术研究。E-mail:lf5322@siom.ac.cn 导师简介:朱小磊(1966--),男,研究员,博士生导师,主要从事固体激光器技术及激光器应用系统等方面的研究。xlzhu@siom.ac.cn 1 引言


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