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浅析我国国际贸易中信用证支付方式的现状 摘要 随着我国加入WTO和全球经济的发展,我国的对外贸易面临极大的机遇与挑战。信用证作为国际贸易中最重要的支付方式,在国际贸易中扮演着越来越重要的角色,因而商人们对具有银行信用的信用证的使用应当说是普遍欢迎的。但由于我国法制不健全,业务人员水平不高以及缺乏有效的监管等诸多原因,我国已成为信用证诈骗的重灾区,已成为信用证诈骗的主要受害国。 因此,对信用证的原理、特点、利弊以及其风险防范有研究的必要性和现实性。特别加入WTO后,我国国际贸易逐步扩大,我国的进出口贸易和外向型经济将会有更快的发展,信用证的使用也可望在未来几年继续增加。企业通过信用证业务可以有效地回避对外贸易业务中的商业风险,保障自身的货物与资金安全;银行则通过信用证业务为进出口企业提供信用保障、风险防范及国际结算方面的服务,从面推协国际贸易业务的发展。 本文简单介绍信用证的基本情况,通过分析信用证支付方式对进口商、出口商、银行这三大贸易关联主体所存在的利弊与风险,从而总结了国际贸易中对信用证支付方式所存在风险的应对策略及其未来在国际贸易中的发展趋向。 关键词:信用证;国际贸易;风险;应对策略 To Genarally Analyse the Status of Chinese Credit Payment within International Business Abstract Chinese external trading industry now is facing dramatic challenge and opportunity as it has been a member of WTO and the global economic has been growing. Credit payment is playing a more important role in international trading as the crucial mode of payment. Therefore, those credit letters that are supported by banks are welcomed by business people. Chinese credit deceive is a very serious issue and the nation is a victim of the cheat due to the incomplete commercial law system and low skill level of bankers and unsuitable supervise. Thus, the credit letter must be understood and secured, so that people could make good use of it and could not be cheated. Chinese international trading business today is going up sharply since it joint the WTO, and the export business and external industry would be growing much faster; then the use of credit letters is supposed to increase a lot. Firms could avoid the risk of external trade and secure their product and capital via using the credit business. Moreover, banks would provide international trading business with the serves such as avoiding risk, ensuring credit and balance account and so through the credit letters. This is strongly helpful for the development of external trading industry. In the essay, the general information and background of credit letters would be provide; and then the relationship of importers, expo


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