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Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary 教材依据: 本课出自于外研版必修一第六模块。以Internet and Telecommunications为话题,介绍了因特网的起源,因特网和现代通讯工具在现代交际中的作用,以及科学技术发展对人类生存方式的影响。要求学生了解有关电脑、网络、电信的词汇,而且要了解因特网的历史和电信业的发展。通过模块学习,要求学生能客观、辨证地看待因特网和现代通讯设备,利用因特网积极的一面,获取有益的信息;自觉抵制其消极面。 Reading and Vocabulary 部分选取了学生比较熟悉的内容,介绍了因特网、因特网的兴起、万维网和万维网的发明。通过学习,了解有关因特网和万维网的知识。使学生正确认识和积极使用因特网获取信息,并使其服务于自己的学习和生活。 一、设计思路 本节课是在认真学习和研究了高中英语新课改理念并结合新课改所倡导的自主课堂模式的基础上设计出来并实施教学活动的。教学活动的设计紧紧围绕新课程标准,不但符合我校学生的身心发展和实际水平,而且具有一定的趣味性、激励性和科学性,充分体现了“以学生为主体,教师为主导”的新课改理念,并将新课标所要求的三维目标贯穿始终。 Learning Aims 【学习目标】 1. Knowledge Aims(知识目标) a. Important words and phrases: contain , access , accessible data , defence , create , via , percentage , invention , design , source of information , consists of , a network of computers , at the moment ,become known as , web traffic , come up with , web browser , work as b. Important sentence patterns: (1) It then became possible for universities to use the system as well. (2) Berners-Lee built his first computer while he was at university using an old television . (3) Berners-Lee made it possible for everyone to use the Internet , not just universities and the army . 2. Ability Aims(能力目标) a. Improve the students’ reading ability by using proper reading skills and strategies. b. Learn to express their sporting and opposing opinions freely. c. Develop the Ss’ writing ability by learning the Internet and use it properly in daily life. Emotion Aims(情感目标) a.?To raise students’ interests in Internet and form the active attitude towards the usage of the Internet b.?To teach students to use the resources in a proper way and avoid getting addicted in electronic games. Teaching Importance and Difficulties 【教学重点和难点】 To make the students understand and grasp the vocabulary and knowledge related to Internet and telecommunications. 教学准备 本节课主要使用了多媒体及导学案帮助学生学习。 Teaching Process【教学过程】 Revision and lead-in Review some words about computers by showing some pictures .then a


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