高一英语牛津译林版必修4 复习学案 unit2 sporting events reading.docVIP

高一英语牛津译林版必修4 复习学案 unit2 sporting events reading.doc

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高一英语牛津译林版必修4 复习学案 unit2 sporting events reading.doc

I. Important words 1. 愉快的,高兴的 adj delighted 2. 重要性,意义 n significance 3. 传统,风俗 n tradition 4. 男性 n adj male 5. 国家,民族 n nation 6. 现代的,当代的adj contemporary 7. 缺席,不在场n absence 8. 使激动,使兴奋剂vt__excite___ 9. 最终的,最后的事adj final 10. 尝试,努力的nvt attempt 11. 社会运动,移动n movement 12. 起源,起因 n origin 13. 频繁的 adj frequent 14. 与此同时,在此期间 adv meanwhile II. Important phrases 1. 为某事竞争 compete for 2. 领先 lead the way 3. 坚持 hang on 4. 期待 look forward to 5. 每四年 every four years 6. 为了纪念 in honour of 7. 实现梦想 realize this dream 8. 为…做贡献make contributions to 9. 肩并肩 side by side 10. 使…进入 enter into 11. 满足某人的要求meet the requirements 12. 让路 make way for 13. 与…有联系 be connected with 14. 至少 at least 15. 考虑做某事 consider doing 16. 偶然 by accident 17. 使…受控 keep…under control 18. 犯错误 make mistakes III. Fill in the blanks with the phrase above. Change the form where necessary. 1. Tropical forest is forced to make way for grassland. 2. It took two hours to keep the fire under control. 3. I saw her by accident on a bus. It had been ten years since we last met. 4. Germany is thought to be connected with beer. 5. I hope China will lead the way again in Asia in the future. 6. I know you’re tired, but try to hang on a bit longer. 7. Our team will compete for the first place tomorrow. 8. They held a party in honour of the visiting president. 9. All the boys are looking forward to seeing the football star. 10. We must stand side by side in this trouble and help each other. IV. Multi-choices 1. I could _____to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report. A. go B. have gone C. going D. having gone 2. The secretary worked late into the night, ______ a long speech for the president. A. t


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