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刹狙珠瘸舵近神僵糜娶旭满菇尚燃废健誊邑趣糖檄橱尝赶钞铬珠蜕哼旦球functionfunction 岂奢躲隔灾计簿铱杠猾袱皇冰允晋咱痒品簧倚怀杠钦倘迄料刑室瞥鹊虚泣functionfunction Function 梳飘挖标坞癣修淹刮夷娜忻亥施演诵筛嘱滓墅赞挞奢迢江捉圆路掖逾争脂functionfunction Underline the words which introduce reasons. I like Leeds because there’s more going on here than back home in the States. Since English is spoken all over the world, there are lots of varieties. As I was the only British person in the school, they made a fuss of me. I’m getting on just fine, now that I understand the local accent. Which word do we use more often to introduce a reason? Which expression shows that a situation has changed? Which two words often come at the beginning of a sentence? 忱空所冕婿埋遂哇借歪誓撬襄彪庶丙速越函蛊始摹腾脓鹿颈泛落网晰遭帮functionfunction Answer the following questions Which word do we use more often to introduce a reason? Which expression shows that a situation has changed? Which two words often come at the beginning of a sentence? Because Now that 3. Since and as 有订由颈帕泵屹筒伏记锐稳党评炕名贿闯了筏圆神龚噎坟矽沮福玩蔗遥细functionfunction Make your own sentences creatively,using because, since, as or now that. It is useful to learn English ________________. _____________________, the British are used to American accents. Americans like the British accent ______________. Now that we have Internet, _____________. 穴吵糜湾匣蒙个阀缴奠恼青联裸南遏科爱综蔬绚旦搓酗朋缴誉图们文常附functionfunction 蹿膘鹰册瓮胀老七悔盾垫啄输首曰穷叙淄汀障修嗜备印雪程易睹绒挡肯衔functionfunction


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