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立式加工中心 Z 向进给装置与刀库设计 摘 要: 加工中心是由机械设备与数控系统组成的适用于加工复杂形状工件的高效 率自动化机床,它的特点是具有自动化程度高,加工范围广,适应性强,高柔性 化,智能化,劳动强度低,适用于单件、小批量、形状复杂的零件的加工,有立 式和卧式之分。现在,加工中心受到各个国家越来越多的重视,其发展程度代表了 一个国家的设计、制造水平。 加工中心的研制和开发是数控技术未来发展的方向之一。本次设计的主要内 容为加工中心总体即布局和机床联系尺寸图(由同组同学共同参与完成)、刀库 及 Z 轴传动系统设计。在总体设计中,通过对其总体布局方式进行比较和分析, 确定了加工中心的总体布局方案。刀库设计采用圆盘形布置和无机械手的抓刀方 式。本文对刀库及其自动换刀装置的结构设计、滚珠丝杠的选择、电机的选择、 轴的选择、等进行了阐述及详细设计计算。加工中心性能在很大程度上取决于进 给伺服系统的性能,为此说明书对 Z 轴滚珠丝杠、导轨等关键机械部件进行了设 计和计算校核。 本次刀库及 Z 轴进给系统设计采用的滚珠丝杠、滚动导轨和与其相配的各种 机械结构保证了加工中心运行高速高效、稳定、精度高,满足其性能要求。 关键词 :加工中心,刀库,自动换刀装置,进给系统 DESIGN OF THE OVERALL, TOOL MAGAZINE AND Z-AXIS FEED SYSTEM OF MACHINE CENTER ABSTRACT Machining center is a CNC machine with tool magzine and can automatically replace the right tools for the multi-process to workpiece. It has the characteristics of operations concentration, high precision machining, strong adaptability and high production efficiency. Its development represent the manufacture lever of a nation, the companies at home and abroad highly valued. The research and development of machining center(MC) is one of the NC technology development directions of the future.The design of overall 、tool magazine and the Z-axis feed system of MC. In the overall design, comparison and analysis are made for its way of layout, determined the layout of the overall for vertical. The tool magazine used disk-shaped layout and the no mechanical hand grasping the tool way. The tool magazine and automatic tool change(ATC) structure design, the choice of ball screw and motor, axes, key are introduced and designed in detail in this paper. Performance of MC depends to a large extent on the servo feed system performance, the design and calculation of check to Z-axis


李天佑 + 关注


