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毕 业 设 计 南京正光客户关系管理 系统设计 专 业 信息管理与信息系统 学生姓名 夏 腾 班 级 B信管052 学 号 0510460214 指导教师 陶 钰 完成日期 二○○九年六月 南京正光客户关系管理系统设计 摘要:随着市场竞争的日趋激烈,如何在交易当中有效地跟踪客户,将短期的交易行为发展成长期的合作关系,建立起“以产品为中心”向“以客户为中心”的销售体系,是企业面临的一个问题。客户关系管理正是这样的一套解决方案。是一个以“客户为中心”的现代管理理念和IT技术结合的产物通过保存和维护客户数据,跟踪交易情况,分析客户行为,挖掘潜在客户和保留有价值客户增强企业竞争力。Design of Customer Relationship Management System of the Company of Nanjing Zhenguang Abstract:Along with the fierce market competition, how to follow the customers effectively, establish the long-term cooperation from the transactions, and change original management strategy form product-oriented to customer-oriented is a problem which the enterprises have to deal with. Customer Relationship Management is such a solution, which combined modern management principle and the advanced IT technique. It maintenances the data, follows the transactions and analysis the customer behaviors, enhances the competitive power of the enterprise. This system is designed according to the characteristic and the request of the company of Nanjing Zhengguang. This system bases on the B/S pattern, uses ASP to take the main development language, builds the main frame with Dreamweaver, and uses SQL SERVER 2000 as the back database. It contains six modules: the customer management, the service management, the stock management, the report form management, the Email management and the user management. The article first described the related background knowledge and the research present situation of CRM, the introduction of the company and demand analysis; second introduce the method of system design and last concrete function of the six modules. Key words:Customer Relationship Management System; ASP; S Server 2000; B/S Structure 目 录 摘要 I Abstract II 1.前 言 1 1.1系统开发的背景 1 1.2系统设计意义和价值 1 1.3系统设计的总体思路和方法 2 1.4客户关系管理系统研究现状 2 2.系统分析 4 2.1南京正光公司简介 4 2.2


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