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中工 信商 2015-JX16- ERP沙盘模拟实训论文(设计) ERP系统实施过程中的风险管理研究 摘要 作为发展较为成熟的集成的IT应用系统-——企业资源计划(ERP)系统,近年来成为很多企业实现信息化的头号选择,但实施ERP系统并不是一帆风顺的,而是存在着诸多的风险。如河南许继集团在实施ERP时,企业上下都非常配合,但由于实施前对企业面临的市场竞争状况分析不足,耗费了大量的人力、财力、物力,但最终却以失败告终。中国家电行业知名企业长虹集团ERP项目也未能如愿。北京三露厂则因为ERP实施商对软件本身不熟悉、产品本身汉化不好等原因,导致项目一拖再拖,两年多仍没有能够完成,最后只能付诸于法律,成为“中国ERP第一案”。这些企业未能成功实施ERP,其中一个重要的原因就是对实施ERP的风险管理认识不足。因此,本文从探究和分析我国企业在实施ERP过程中遇到的风险入手,寻找出企业规避ERP实施风险的应急机制,进而使ERP为企业在信息化的今天能够带来价值。 关键词:ERP,信息化,风险管理 Abstract As a more mature development of the integration of the IT application system—— Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, in recent years become the number one choice for the many enterprises to realize informatization, but the implementation of ERP system and not easy, but there are many risks. Such as Henan Xuji group in the implementation of ERP, enterprise are very fit, but due to prior to the implementation of the enterprises are facing competition in the market situation analysis is insufficient, at a cost of a large number of human, financial and material resources, but in the end it fail in the end. Chinas home appliance industry well-known enterprises Changhong group ERP project also failed to do so. Beijing Sanlou factory, because of the implementation of the ERP business of software itself are not familiar with, the product itself finished bad and other reasons, leading to project delays, more than two years still had not been able to achieve, finally can only put in law, as the first case of ERP in China. These companies failed to successfully implement ERP, one of the important reasons is the lack of awareness of risk management for the implementation of ERP. Therefore, this article from the inquiry and analysis our country enterprise risk in the process of ERP encountered in the implementation of the start, look for a business enterprise to avoid the risk of ERP implementation of emergency response mechanism, and then make the ERP



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