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论文题目:基于FPGA的数字直接频率合成器的设计 摘 要 频率合成技术是指以一个或多个高精度和高稳定度的频率参考信号源为基准,在某一段频率内,综合产生多个频点的技术。近年来,直接数字频率合成器(Digital Direct Synthesis,DDS)由于其具有频率分辨率高、频率变换速度快、相位可连续变化等特点,在数字通信系统中已被广泛采用而成为现代频率合成技术中的佼佼者。 本文在对现有DDS技术的大量文献调研的基础上,给出了一种符合FPGA结构的DDS设计方案,并利用Quartus II软件上进行了实现。首先,对系统的进行总体设计;然后采用硬件描述语言Verilog HDL实现了分模块设计,并给出了对应的时序仿真波形。最后,在Altera公司生产的EP2C8Q208C8开发板上进行下载验证,实验结果验证了本文设计方案的可行性。 【关键词】直接数字频率合成器;硬件描述语言;现场可编程逻辑门阵列 【论文类型】设计 Title:Design of direct digital frequency synthesizer based on FPGA Major: Electronic information engineering Name: 王 Signature:_______ Supervisor: Signature:_______ ABSTRACT Frequency synthesis technology refers to one or more of the high precision and high stability of the frequency reference signal source for reference, at a certain frequency, integrated to produce multiple frequency technology. In recent years,the direct digital frequency synthesizer (Digital Direct Synthesis, DDS) because of its high frequency resolution, fast frequency conversion speed, phase continuous variation and other characteristics, in the digital communication system has been widely used and become a modern frequency synthesis technology in the leader. Based on a large amount of literature on the existing DDS technology, presents a design scheme of FPGA with DDS structure, and use Quartus II software to implement. Firstly, the overall design of the system; then using hardware description language Verilog HDL implementation of the sub module design, and gives the corresponding timing simulation waveform. Finally, to download verified in EP2C8Q208C8 development board Altera company production, experimental results verify the performance of this system. 【Key Words】Direct digital frequency synthesizer (DDS),Hardware description language,Field programmable logic gate array(FPGA) 【Type Of Thesis】Design 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 研究背景及意义 1 1.2国内外发展状况 2 1.2.1 频率合成技术的发展 2 1.2.2直接数字频率合成技术的现状和发展趋势 2 1.3 本文研究内容及章节安排 3 2 Quartu


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