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摘要 数学教学回归生活是国际数学课程改革的一个发展趋势。加强数学教学与学生生活的联系已经成为当前我国义务教育阶段数学课程改革的一个重点。2001 年教育部颁布的《全日制义务教育数学课程标准(实验稿)》十分重视数学教学与生活的联系,生活观念在其中多次得到体现。《标准》指出,数学教学应该是:从学生的生活经验和已有的知识背景出发,为学生提供充分的数学活动和交流机会,帮助他们在自主探索的过程中真正理解和掌握基本的数学知识与技能。实现:人人学有价值的数学;人人都能获得必需的数学;其基本出发点是促进学生全面、持续、和谐地发展。 研究首先从“回归生活”的国际数学教育改革发展趋势,对当前数学教学生活化过程中存在的问题进行了思考。其次是阐述了国内外的研究历史及现状,然后对数学教学生活的内涵进行了界定以及归纳总结出生活化教学的好处。在大量阅读前人研究成果的基础上提出了新课程背景下的小学数学教学生活化策略,一是数学教学生活化对教师的要求;二是教学内容生活化;三是教学方式生活化。最后,从四个层面说明了当前小学数学教学生活过程中的误区,一是数学教学生活化过于形式化;二是学生缺乏实践机会;三是杜撰生活现实;四是误将生活素材等同于学习材料。 关键词:小学数学教学;生活化;新课程;策略 ABSTRACT Mathematics teaching returning to life is the international mathematics curriculum reform a trend. Strengthen math teaching and students life contact has become the current stage of Chinas compulsory education mathematics curriculum reform a priority. In 2001 the Ministry of Education issued the full-time compulsory education mathematics curriculum standard ( experimental draft ) attaches great importance to the teaching of mathematics and life, life concept in which multiple reflected. Standard point out, teaching of mathematics should be: from the students experience of life and the existing knowledge background, to provide students with adequate mathematical activities and exchange opportunities, help them in the independent exploration process truly understand and grasp the basic mathematical knowledge and skills. Implementation: everybody study valuable mathematics; everybody all can obtain the essential mathematics; its basic starting point is to promote students comprehensive, continuously, harmonious development. Beginning from return to life of the international mathematical education reform trend of development, the current mathematics teaching life problem that exists in the process undertook reflection. The second is introduced the research history and current situation, and then on the mathematics teaching life connotation defined and summarized the life of teaching benefits. In a lot of reading on the basis of


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