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摘 要 本设计主要任务是2万吨/年硫酸法磷酸生产工艺设计。磷酸为中强三元酸,具有酸的一切通性,在室温下磷酸的化学性质是很活泼的,高温下磷酸可与大部分金属及其氧化物发生化学反应,磷酸的氧化能力很弱,即使在350-400℃下,与氢,碳等强还原剂也不发生明显的化学反应。 本文首先介绍了磷酸的基本性质及用途,随后确定了湿法制磷酸的生产方案。通过工艺衡算包括物料衡算和热量衡算来对生产过程中所需要的设备进行工艺设计和选型,主要设备就是反应搅拌釜。还对湿法制磷酸的消耗定额和所产生的“三废”进行了合理的综合利用进行了描述。 关键词:磷酸 湿法制磷酸 工艺设计 三废 ABSTRACT The aim of this design is 20,000 ton per year manufacturing the phosphoric acid using wet method with sulfuric acid. The phosphoric acid for the strong tribasic acid, has acid all general characteristics, under the room temperature the phosphoric acid chemical property is very lively, under the high temperature the phosphoric acid may has the chemical reaction with the majority of metals and the oxide compound. First,this article introduce the character of the phosphoric acid and its application. We design the method of manufacturing is the phosphoric acid,its name is the manufacturing the phosphoric acid with wet method.we also detail material and the energy graduated arm calculated which is the base of design the devices .In the design also includes the flow chart, the equipment assembly drawing, the workshop general arrangement, the equipment general arrangement plan. Involves raw material and the power consumption fixed quantity budgetary estimate in the article, and to produced the environmental protection which and the security measure existed has carried on the simple introduction. Keywords: phosphoric acid ; the manufacturing of phosphoric acid with wet method; technological design;the three polluthion 第一章 总论 1.1磷酸的性质 1.1.1磷酸的物理性质 纯磷酸,熔点42.3,高沸点酸,可与水以任意比互溶。市售磷酸试剂是粘稠的、不挥发的浓溶液,磷酸含量83-98%mol H3PO4在1mol水中的熔解热为7.285J/mol,而在100 mol水中则增大为22.0446 J/mol。 磷酸溶液的密度与粘度在一定温度下,均随磷酸中P2O5含量的增加而增加。在75摄氏度下,当从19.6% P2O5增加到70.5%P2O5时,磷酸水溶液的粘度相应从1.976*10-3帕每秒增加到59.24* 10-2帕每秒。而密度从1.15克每立方厘米增加1.49 克每立方厘米。 磷酸水溶液在20~100℃范围内的比热容可按下式计算: Cp=1.0109-0.00514X 式中X为磷酸中P2O5含量, P2O5%。 1.1.2磷酸的化学性质 磷酸是由五氧化二磷与水反映得到的化合物。一般情况下,磷酸系正磷酸的简称,其分子式为H3PO4。五氧化二磷结合的水的比例低于正磷酸时可形成焦磷酸、三聚磷


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