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目录 摘 要 1 Abstract 2 1 控制系统总体方案的概述 3 1.1自动售货机的工作时序 3 1.2自动售货机系统的硬件分析 4 1.3自动售货机系统的软件分析 4 2控制系统的硬件设计 5 2.1中央控制元件AT89C52 5 2.1.1 AT89C52简介 5 2.1.2主要特性 6 2.1.3管脚说明 6 2.1.4单片机时钟模块 8 2.2. 按键投币及购买模块 9 2.3 LED购买指示模块 10 2.4数码管显示模块 10 3单片机主控系统的程序设计 12 3.1编程语言与编译环境 12 3.2 主控程序设计 12 3.2.1主要程序函数 12 3.2.2程序执行流程 12 4整体电路设计 13 4.1整体电路图 13 4.2整体工作及原理说明 13 5实验仿真 14 5.1 Proteus简介 14 5.2 模块电路仿真 14 6实物调试 17 7小结体会 22 参考文献 23 附录1整体电路图 24 附录2 元器件清单 25 附录3实验源代码 26 摘 要 本次数字电路课程设计搭建一种以AT89C52单片机为核心的自动饮料售货机装置的控制系统,主要介绍了系统的方案设计、硬件选择、软件规划和编写,并重点描述了自动饮料售货机控制系统的工作原理、系统设计、软件编程的原则和技巧。该系统以单片机AT89C52芯片为核心,采用集中控制方式实现了对自动饮料售货机全过程的自动控制。本系统选择6个独立键盘按键作为货币投入端,饮料选择端和清零端,实现了投币,饮料选择功能,用两个7段共阳极数码管显示货币数以及找零数,用三个LED灯显示可供选择的饮料。此外,系统程序采用Keil uVision 4软件进行程序的编写和编译,采用C语言编写程序,用Proteus7软件进行仿真,stcisp-v4.79软件和USB转串口线驱动软件下载程序。 总体来说,通过实物的安装调试,本次课程设计基本达到了设计指标要求,实现了投币,选择饮料,购买饮料,找零等功能。达到了课程设计的目标。 关键词:自动售货机,AT89C52单片机,C语言程序,数码管显示 Abstract In this paper, the design of the control system of automatic beverage vending machine is based on INTEL company AT89C52 microcontroller as the core . It detailedly desctribes the beverage vending machine system design, hardware selection, software planning and preparation, and emphatically describes the principle and skill work principle, beverage vending machine system design, software programming. The system is based on AT89C52 chip as the core, adopts the centralized control method to realize the automatic control of the whole process of beverage vending machine . In this system , six independent keyboard keys are taken as monetary input end, beverage of choice and clear terminal, to realize the coin, beverage of choice function .Two of sevencommon anode LED are take to display currency and the number of change . Besides , Three LED lights are taken to display alternative beverage . In addition, The software of Keil uVision 4is taken to prepare and compile procedures, using C language program , The software of Proteus is taken to simulate in the system . The softwa


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