discussion of oscar wilde’s thoughts of the aestheticism from the picture of dorian gray 论文 定稿.doc

discussion of oscar wilde’s thoughts of the aestheticism from the picture of dorian gray 论文 定稿.doc

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discussion of oscar wilde’s thoughts of the aestheticism from the picture of dorian gray 论文 定稿.doc

毕业设计(论文) ( 2012届 ) 题 目 Discussion of Oscar Wilde’s Thoughts of the Aestheticism From The Picture of Dorian Gray 学 号 780802010 姓 名 谢怡艳 所 属 系 外国语学院 专 业 英语教育 班 级 08级外本班 指导教师 张申艳老师 新余学院教务处制 CONTENTS 摘 要 I Abstract II Part 1 Memorize Oscar Wilde and His Aestheticism 1 Part 2 Analyse Literature View Embodied in The picture of Dorian Gray 1 Part 3 Analyse Aestheticism from Four Main Characters 6 Part 4 Conclusion 11 References 14 从《道连格雷的画像》探讨王尔德的唯美主义思想 摘 要 本文主要从纪念王尔德,《道连格雷的画像》中所体现的文艺观,文本中主要角色分析唯美主义思想以及唯美主义思想所产生的深远意义进行写作。王尔德的价值不仅在唯美主义的历史上得到了见证,同时,他更撼动了英国,撼动了欧洲最为顽固的礼法,让历史在前进的一页上留下了这个非凡的名字。文艺观即“生活模仿艺术,远甚于艺术模仿生活”。通过对三个主要男性人物和一个女性人物的分析,我们看到了王尔德的唯美主义的轮廓和内涵,他认为艺术不会模仿生活,而且能战胜生活的丑陋;艺术是非道德的,超越道德;艺术和时代相对抗,表现在艺术不表现时代,只表现自身,并且艺术与时代精神是相反的;最后,艺术以追求“形式”为目标。唯美主义虽然昙花一现,未能赶上现代派的洪流,但是在连接传统和现代的纽带上发挥着不可忽视的作用。 关键词:王尔德;唯美主义;道连格雷的画像 Discussion of Oscar Wildes Thoughts of the Aestheticism From The Picture of Dorian Gray Abstract This essay is mainly written for four aspects. They are memorizing Oscar Wilde, the literature view embodied in “The picture of Dorian Gray”, analysing the aestheticism and the meaning of aestheticism. Oscar Wildes value which is not only in the history of aestheticism has been witnessed, at the same time, he recounts the English and shakes the most stubborn of European etiquette, so that it leaves this extraordinary name in the historical page. The literature view is that “the life imitates the art, far better than the art imitates the life.” Through the analysis of the three main male characters and a female figure, we can see the outline of Oscar Wildes aesthetic and content, he believes that th


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