
基于matlab的iir滤波器的设计 精品.doc

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毕业设计 课程设计 毕业论文 详细资料 联系QQ号;1620812008 本科毕业设计(论文) 基于MATLAB的IIR滤波器的设计 学生姓名: 学生学号: 院 (系):电气信息工程学院 年级专业:2006测控技术与仪器 指导教师: 助理指导教师: 二〇一〇年六月 摘 要 数字滤波器是对数字信号进行滤波的线性时不变系统。与模拟处理相比,数字处理具有灵活性强、精度高、处理成本低以及对环境没有特殊要求等优点。它不仅能实现模拟滤波器的大部分功能,而且还能完成模拟滤波器由于成本、可靠性等原因而无法具体实现的功能。数字滤波器通常分为无限脉冲响应(IIR)滤波器和有限脉冲响应(FIR)滤波器。相对于FIR滤波器而言,IIR滤波器具有更高的运算效率和更低的硬件成本,因此它通常成为数字滤波器的首选,并广泛地应用于军事,工业生产,医用仪器,日常通信等领域。 本文根据IIR数字滤波器的设计原理,提出了IIR数字滤波器的快速设计方法,并在环境下实现IIR 数字滤波器快速设计首先对MATLAB软件进行了介绍,并对数字滤波器在环境下如何实现进行了介绍;其次描述了数字滤波器的基本概念,其包括系统的描述、系统的传递函数;重点描述了IIR数字滤波器的设计过程及几种设计方法(如双线性变换法或响应不变法等)对IIR滤波器的做了介绍  关键词:IIR数字滤波器模拟滤波器双线性变换ABSTRACT The digital filter is a linear time-invariant system what is used to filter the digital signal. Compared with the analog processing, the digital processing are higher flexibility, higher precision, lower cost and the environment without special requirement, etc. It can not only realize the most function of analog filter, but also can complete the specific function that the analog filter is unable to realize due to cost and reliability of filter. The digital filter is usually divided into infinity impulse response (IIR) filter and finite impulse response (FIR) filter. Relative to the FIR filter, IIR filters have higher operation efficiency and lower cost of hardware. So it often becomes the first choice of the digital filter, and is widely used in military, industrial production, medical instrument, daily communication, etc. Based on the design principle of IIR digital filter, the paper puts forward the fast design method of IIR digital filter, and rapidly realizes the IIR digital filter in the MATLAB environment. Its main contents can be summarized as follows. Firstly, MATLAB and Simulink software are introduced, and how to realize the digital filter in MATLAB environment is introduced in this paper. Secondly, the basic concepts of IIR digital filter are described. Including the description of the system, the


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