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毕业设计 Email客户端的分析与实现 学生姓名: 学号: 学 院: 专 业: 指导教师: Email客户端的分析与实现 摘 要 随着人们生活水平的提高和信息技术的高速发展,人们再也不能满足现实世界中效率低、费用高、时间长的寄信方式了。然而在高速发展的信息世界中,人们找到一种不受时间和区域限制的既方便又快捷的寄信方式--电子邮件。与传统的寄信方式相比电子邮件具有不受时间、地点和费用的限制。只需要使用能上网的计算机就能随时随地免费的收发自己的电子邮件。与传统的寄信内容相比电子邮件能够表达更丰富的内容不在局限于文字表达,同时也可以通过声音、图片、视频等多种方式表达更丰富的信息内容。 在当今信息技术高速发展的情况下,电子邮件也随之应运而生。而本系统是使用当今流行的计算机语言java语言开发而成的。本系统主要采用B/S模式,用户只要有浏览器就能够使用该系统,该系统采用了当今流行的SSH(Struts+Spring+Hibernate)框架。数据库采用了开源免费跨平台的Oracle数据库。邮件服务器是采用开源免费的支持IMAP方式接收电子邮件的Apache James邮件服务器,采用以上软件既可以降低系统开发成本又能够提高开发效率。 本系统界面设计简单、大方、易与操作用户很容易上手,基本不需要指导就能快速上手,本系统是一款不错的电子邮件收发系统。 关键词:Oracle,Java Java-based Mail System Design and Implementation Abstract As peoples living standards and rapid development of information technology, people can no longer meet the real world, low efficiency, high cost, send a letter means a long time. So people are turning to high-speed world of information development, strive to find a world of information without time and area restrictions convenient and fast way to send a letter, the attendant e-mail. Compared with the traditional way of e-mailers have not time, place and cost restrictions. As long as people can access the Internet anytime, anywhere on the computer can send and receive their free e-mail. Compared with traditional e-mailers are not limited to the text content of expression, it can sound, pictures, video and other means to express a richer information content. The rapid development of information technology in todays case, e-mail also came into being. The application of this system is todays popular computer language java language develop. The system mainly uses the B / S mode, the user as long as the browser will be able to use the system, the system used in todays popular SSH (Struts + Spring + Hibernate) framework developed with. Database is free cross-platform using open source MySQL database


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