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毕业设计 题 目 学 院 专 业 班 级 学 生 学 号 指导教师 二〇一一年月日 摘 要 机床床身是机床的主要支撑件,其结构的合理性和性能的好坏直接影响着机床的成本,也影响着机床各部件之间的相对位置精度和机床在工作过程中各部件相对运动轨迹的准确性,同时也影响着工件的加工质量以及机床的耐用度。 本次设计通过拟定工艺方案,典型零件的设计及校核,总体尺寸的规划来进行对机床的分度机构进行设计。首先,拟定工艺方案,选取合适粗、精基准,选取合理的工序方案,进而确定最佳的工艺路线;其次,设计床身结构,包括对床身的截面、形状和材料进行设计;再次,对丝杠结构进行设计,通过对丝杠螺母的设计,确定丝杠的尺寸,然后对其进行校核,完成对传动结构的设计;另外,还对机床整体尺寸和外形进行设计,确定设计合理的机床设计方案。通过上述设计方法,完成了对机床床身结构的设计。 关键词:机床床身;工艺方案;传动;制造技术 ABSTRACT Machine bed is the main support machine parts, the structure of the rationality and the performance directly affect the machine costs, also affect machine the relative position between the various components in working process accuracy and machine components of relative motion orbit of accuracy, but also affects the workpiece machining quality and of machine durability. This design through process scheme, typical parts worked the design and check the planning, overall size of machine tool to design the indexing institutions. First, prepare select appropriate process scheme, rough and fine benchmark, select the reasonable process scheme, then determine the optimal processing route; Secondly, the design of bed lathe bed structure, including the section, shape and materials for design; Again, to screw structure design, through the design of screw nut, determine the size of a ball screw, then carries on the road-line; on the transmission structure design; Furthermore, the overall size and shape of machine design, make sure to design the reasonable machine design. Through the above design method, completion of the machine bed structure design. Key words:Machine bed;Process scheme;transmission;Manufacturing technology 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 1 前言 1 1.1 选题背景与意义 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 1 1.3 本论文的主要内容 2 2 工艺方案的拟定 3 2.1 床身零件的工艺技术分析 3 2.1.1 面 3 2.1.2 孔 3 2.1.3 螺纹孔 3 2.1.4 位置度 3 2.1.5 技术要求 3 2.2 定位分析、基准选取及制定工艺路线 4 2.2.1 粗基准


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