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Unit 1 Mathematics 迭代函数 iterative function 优先权之争 priority battle 分形特征fractal properties 有意义make sense 以越来越小的规模重复同一模式patterns repeat themselves at smaller and smaller scales 混沌理论 chaos theory 季刊a quarterly journal 数学界the mathematics community 波纹线crisp lines 会议公报proceedings of a conference 1) He is best known for coining the term fractal to describe phenomena (such as coastlines, snowflakes, mountains and trees) whose patterns repeat themselves at smaller and smaller scales. 他主要是因为用分形这个概念来描述(海岸线,雪花,山脉和树木)等不规则形状等现象而闻名于世,这些不规则形状在越来越小的规模上不断重复同一模式。 2) A closer look reveals that the borders of the set do not form crisp lines but seem to shimmer like flames. 如果再仔细观察,就可以发现集的边界并没有呈波纹线,而是像火焰一样闪光。 3) Krantz introduced a new element into the debate, however, by stating that the Mandelbrot set was not invented by Mandelbrot but occurs explicitly in the literature a couple of years before the term Mandelbrot set was coined. 但是,克朗兹在这场辩论中引入了一个新东西,他说曼德布洛特集不是曼德布洛特发明的,而是早在“曼德布洛特集”这个术语出现几年以前就已经明确地在数学文献中出现了。 4) Mandelbrot also suggested that even if Brooks and Matelskis publication had preceded his, they still could not be considered discoverers of the set, because they did not appreciate its significance. 曼德布洛特同时也暗示即使布鲁克斯和马特尔斯基的论文先于他发表,但因为他们没有领会到其价值,仍然不能将他们看作是曼德布洛特集的发现者。 5). In response to Hubbard and Douadys charge that he is stingy in granting credit, Mandelbrot says he has also been accused of overcitation. 对胡巴德和杜阿迪指责他对论文中材料来源的说明上做得非常少,曼德布洛特回应说也有人也指责过他过分引用别人的成果。 4. Translate the sentences into English. 1) 他的生活和工作过程正如使他成名的几何学一样,既不是线性的, 也不具备简单的形状。 Like the geometry that made him famous, neither his life nor the course of his work was linear or simplistic in shape and form 2) 曼德布洛特说在随后的的两年里他在多个领域中摸索,却没有明显的相联系的线索。 Mandelbrot says he spent the next two years groping, exploring first one field and then another, without any clear sense of the connecting thread. 3) 更奇怪的是,他发现噪音周期与清晰传送周期的比率是恒定的,与用于绘制这个现象的时间大小无关。 Stranger still, he found that the ratio of periods of noise to periods of clean


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