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《博弈论与信息经济学》课程中英文简介 Game Theory and Information Economics 课程代码:030412B Course Code:030412B 32 Periods:32 学分:2 Credits:2 考核方式:考查 Assessment:Evaluation 先修课程:微观经济学 Preparatory Courses:Microeconomics 高等数学 Higher Mathematics 《》本课程 Game Theory and Information Economics is a course studying that how the players choice strategies to maximize their own payoffs in the condition of strategic interaction. It changed the analysis methods and broaden the research fields of economics, and made the economics undergone a great change. This course is consisted of two parts. The first one is Game Theory. It contains static games of complete information, dynamic games of complete information, static games of incomplete information, and dynamic games of incomplete information. The second one is the Information Economics, which is essentially the applications of games of asymmetrical information in economics. It contains principal-agent theory, adverse selection models, and signaling models. By the learning of the course, students should master the methods applying game theory to analyze economic problems. 《产业经济学》课程中英文简介 Industrial Economics 课程代码:030152B Course Code:030152B 课程名称:产业经济学 Course Name:Industrial Economics 学时:32 Periods:32 学分:2 Credits:2 考核方式:考查 Assessment:Evaluation 先修课程:数学、微观经济学 Preparatory Courses:Math、Microeconomics 《产业经济学》是用来分析现实产业问题的新兴应用经济理论。通过本课程的学习,学生将对国内外产业经济学理论和方法有全面深入的了解;能够运用产业经济学基本原理分析企业行为、市场运行、产业结构演化等实际产业问题,培养学生的理论素养和解决实际问题的能力。本课程主要由微观产业组织理论、宏观产业结构理论以及相应的产业政策组成。具体包括企业理论、市场结构、市场行为、市场绩效、政府规制与反垄断等产业组织问题;产业结构比例关系及其演化、产业结构优化升级、投入产业关系、产业空间布局和集聚以及相关产业政策等内容。 As one branch of Applied Economics, Industrial Economics is widely used in solving modern problems of market economy, such as the behavior of firms, the performance of market, ete. From the study of Industrial Economics, students can have a good command of the most advanced theories and methods used in it, with which they can deal with the problems face them everyday, and


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