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论文编码:RUC-BK-050101-2009202219 中国人民大学本科学生毕业论文 宫崎骏动画电影中的多重成长意识                         作 者:  陈思亦 学 院:  文学院 专 业: 中国语言文学 年 级:  2009 级 学 号: 2009202219 指导教师:   论文成绩:   日 期:   摘要 日本动画大师宫崎骏在全球动画界具有无可替代的地位,迪士尼称其为“动画界的黑泽明”,他的影视作品历来为人所称赞。在他的观念里,动画绝不是只供孩子们娱乐消遣的工具,每一部动画都可以是一件极具价值的艺术品。他曾说,在如同洪水一般的动画片作品潮流中,能够做出一部以良心为出发点的作品是一件极为困难的事,这如同在洪水的浊流中想要保持清水汩汩流淌一样。但他认为就应该做些有价值的事情,真正优秀的动画是于孩童、成人,甚至民族、国家,乃至整个人类世界都有启迪意义的。与他的动画观相吻合,多重成长意识贯穿于他的几乎每一部作品,我们看到对孩童独立成长的企盼、对寻回失落童真的期望、对异化社会的沉思、对人类发展的感悟、对民族精神的瞻仰……观看宫崎骏的作品,观众得以反思自己的成长、人类的发展,以及民族精神的传承,未来的路该如何行走?我们可以静心倾听来自宫崎骏的答案。 关键词:宫崎骏   动画电影   多重成长意识 Abstract Regarded as” the Akira Kurosawa of animation industry” by Disney, the Japanese animation master Hayao Miyazaki has irreplaceable position in the world. The films of Hayao Miyazaki are so excellent that the world audience speak highly of them. In Miyazaki’s view, the animation is definitely not the entertainment tool of children, but can be a valuable piece of art. He once said that making a piece of work which regarded conscience as starting point was a very difficult thing in today’s world, especially in a period that was full of kinds of animation works, he said it was even as hard as protecting a piece of clear water in an environment which was full of turbidity current. However, Hayao Miyazaki has never given up the faith of making good animation works. He thinks that the real excellent animation should be valuable to not only children, but also adults, nation, country and even the whole human world, and his goal is exactly to make the animation works like this. Coincide with his view on animation, the multiple awareness of growing can be found everywhere in Hayao Miyazaki’s animated movies. We can feel a lot in these movies, such as the expectation to children’s independent growing, the wish of finding back our innocence, the deep thi


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