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加工中心 设 备 用 油 的 选 择 设 备 用 油 的 选 择 设 备 用 油 的 选 择 设备用油常见问题 美孚液压程序 美孚液压程序是一个快速的现场分析手段,它能提供如下数据: 黏度 水分 杂质 这三个数据对于液压油和液压系统的维护很有用 液压油泵噪声大, 工作压力不足 液压系统可能 有空气进入 检查油柜油位, 如过低,补油至正常位置 检查液压油泵吸入端 管路,堵住泄漏的地方 润 滑 解 决 方 案 润 滑 解 决 方 案 跟进 立即向客户汇报结果 确信客户知道问题产生的原因 利用这次机会加强与客户的关系 提供培训以减少今后可能出现的问题 取样 若不能马上解决问题 抄取桶上的产品批号 取样用于实验室分析(一瓶样品瓶的容量) 尽可能多地给实验室提供信息 润 滑 解 决 方 案 Our challenge is to become a leader in products and services for this industry by increasing our market share participation to 16% from the current share of 9%. This represents for the corporation an incremental margin of 2.8 $M and 30 KB of oil. A high portion of this margin will come from selling of OGLs for the cement mills around the world. In order to capture this opportunities, our challenge is to extract the value from this industry with a consistent product and service offering, positioning Mobil as the lubrication supplier of choice for the cement industry worldwide Reiner: It has the most visible offering in Open Gear Lubricants, high market support through builders and users, good support for distributor sales efforts and a global presence In the shift to a global marketing environment, Mobil requires a consistent synthetic product price setting methodology. A uniform approach will enable consistent margins to be achieved globally, while also facilitating negotiations where customers are looking for global supply arrangements. The price setting of both mineral and synthetic lubricants has wide impacts across many market segments globally and needs to be approached on the basis of existing market conditions and company targets. This is a vital part of providing a standard global offer. Work carried out to date focussing on the c


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