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【浙江名师点睛】2016高考英语二轮全程练习1--(9)及解析答案 课标词汇·基础语法演练课时9 课标词汇(9)与特殊句式和情景交际 【课标词汇演练】 Ⅰ.完成句子 1.Although the owner swore that his tame dog locked ________ around the tree would not scratch or even ________ anyone,I was still alert and a little ________ every time I cycled past it,________when it was barking. 虽然这只狗的主人发誓他那温顺的被牢牢拴在树旁的狗不会抓甚至咬人,但每次我骑车经过都会很警惕甚至有一点害怕,尤其是它在叫 2.Every time the film star ________ the Internet,he would omit the articles full of ________ for him and the ones filled with insult to him and just browse the ________which judged him impersonally. 每次这位电影明星上网浏览,他都会忽 3.Before the traveller ended his memorable ________,he ________ the paths of the capital ________ with classical elements at ease,appreciating the landscape and talking with the polite and friendly inhabitants. 在这名旅行者结束他值得纪念的旅行之前,他在这座融合着古典元素的首都城市的小道上惬意地闲逛,欣赏着风景并与礼貌友好的居民聊天。 4.What ________the generous gentleman was that on such a chilly evening,the trembling ________ with just a ________ sweater shook his head,whispering that he was very hungry but he didnt want to kneel and beg for the bread without dignity. 令这位慷慨的绅士吃惊的是,在这样一个寒风刺骨的夜晚,这个只穿着松松垮垮毛衣、浑身颤抖的年轻人摇着头,低声说虽然很饿但他也不会没有尊严地下跪 5.The ________ flood by which nature takes revenge on mankind caused so great distress to those civilians ________ in the basin that people began ________ a harmonious way of getting along with nature to avoid the disaster like this. 这场汹涌的洪水是大自然对人类的报复。它对那些定居在盆地的平民造成了巨大的痛苦,于是人们开始寻求一种与大自然和睦相处的方式来避免类似灾难再次发生。 6.As soon as the clock ________ twelve,the ________ intruders invaded the border of the country,and ________ the city,killing thousands of ________civilians and the whole war zone was in flame. 时钟刚敲响12点,这些残忍的侵略者就对该国的边境发动了进攻,占领了城市,杀死了成千上万的无辜平民,这个战区陷入一片火海中。 7.Because the ice ________ to dissolve,the delicate layer of ice covering the ________ lake implies that it is impossible to hold an ________ skating race. 由于冰在不断融化,覆盖在这片浅湖上的这层薄冰说明不可能在这举行一场充满乐趣的滑冰比赛。 8.A clever reader treats reading as making a ________



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