chapter 3 par threechapter 3 part threechapter 3 part threechapter 3 part three.ppt

chapter 3 par threechapter 3 part threechapter 3 part threechapter 3 part three.ppt

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2012/04/09 Preview I. Quiz II. Antonyms and the Classifications III. Homonyms and the Classifications Ⅳ. Exercises for Chapter 3 I. Quiz ⑴ The English language is divided into __________periods. The period from _________ to 1150 is called the __________ English period. It is known as the period of __________ inflections. The period from 1150 to __________is known as the __________ English period. We call it the period of __________ inflections. The period from 1500 to _____________ is called the __________ English period. It is described as the period of __________ inflections. ⑵ The names of seven days of the week are of the __________ origin, although they have __________ influence to some degree. The early Germanic peoples translated the Latin names into the __________ equivalents. Sunday ←← Old English compound Sunnand?g, lit. day of the sun, (sunne sun + d?g day) ←← Germanic origin, because it was a translation of the Latin dies solis day of the sun. Monday ←← Old English compound monand?g, day of the moon,[mona/monan + d?g] ←← Germanic origin, because it was a translation of the Latin Lun? dies “day of the moon”. ⑶ Synchronically, we consider words like eventful, talkative, etc. as __________. Diachronically, they were __________. Hybrids: words which are made of two parts, each from a different language. “eventful”: “event” (a Latin root) + “-ful” (an old English suffix) “talktive”: “talk” (an old English root )+ “-ative”( a Latin suffix) ⑷ Is it right that language is a product of society? Why? Give your reasons. Yes. For one thing, People live, work, and play in a society. They communicate with each other by language in daily life. For another, language can change with the development of society. Sometimes neologisms are created for man’s necessities. … At the same time, some words are regarded obsolete, which are no longer used by normal people. ⑸ Describe four groups of loan-words in English. Aliens are words borrowed from



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