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Eclipse 平台及应用 第一章 Eclipse平台简介 1.1 Eclipse平台的目标 1.2 Eclipse 平台结构 平台结构简介 Platform Runtime:负责管理插件注册表和插件。 插件是一种结构化组件,使用plugin.xml来向系统描述自己。 Workspace:管理Eclipse平台中的资源,包括项目、文件和文件夹。 Workbench:高级用户界面框架,用于构建由插件构建的复杂用户界面的产品。 SWT:与本机底层窗口系统紧密集成的小窗口工具箱和图形库; Jface:使用SWT实现的用户界面工具箱。 Team:定义附加API,允许插件集成版本和配置管理资源库的功能等。 Help:允许用户浏览、搜索和打印系统帮助文档。 Debug:公共的调试用户界面和一般化的调试模式。 平台运行时间(Platform Runtime) 插件描述:Plugin.xml 插件典型体系结构 工作台(Workbench) Workbench is UI personality of Eclipse Platform UI paradigm centered around Editors Views Perspectives SWT SWT = Standard Widget Toolkit Generic graphics and GUI widget set buttons, lists, text, menus, trees, styled text... Simple Small Fast OS-independent API Uses native widgets where available Emulates widgets where unavailable JFace JFace is set of UI frameworks for common UI tasks Designed to be used in conjunction with SWT Classes for handling common UI tasks API and implementation are window-system independent 透视图(Perspective) Perspectives are arrangements of views and editors Different perspectives suited for different user tasks Users can quickly switch between perspectives Task orientation limits visible views, actions Scales to large numbers of installed tools Perspectives control View visibility View and editor layout Action visibility Extension point for new perspectives Eclipse Platform includes standard perspectives Resource, Debug, … Perspective API 视图(View) Views provide information on some object Views augment editors Example: Outline view summarizes content Views augment other views Example: Properties view describes selection Extension point for new types of views Eclipse Platform includes many standard views Resource Navigator, Outline, Properties, Tasks, Bookmarks, Search, … View API and framework Views can be implemented with JFace viewers 编辑器(Editor) Editors appear in workbench editor area Contribute actions to workbench menu and tool bars Open, edit, save, close lifecycle Open editors are stacked Extension point for contributi



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