Unit4 words(best).ppt

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3. hunt v. Jack and Charlie like to hunt /go hunting at weekends. November is a good time to hunt deer. The book ________forty maps, _______three of Great Britain. A. contains; includes B. is containing; including C. includes; contains D. contains; including * wild adj.野生的, 未驯化的 wild animals wild flowers wild plants. 未开化的; 野蛮的 Wild tribes原始部落 无居民的, 荒凉的 wild country 荒凉的乡野 过高的, 怪异的 a wild idea 异想天开的主意 1. protection (n.) --- protect (v.) You’d better turn to parents or teachers for protection if there is a bully in your class who makes your life difficult. protection from/ against sth. 预防…;保护…不受侵害 This hat will give protection against the sun. bully n.欺凌弱小者 under the protection of sth. 在…的保护下 The children grows up happily and healthily under the protection of their parents. protect sth. /sb. from… 保护某物(人)免受…的侵害 We should protect plants from cold. He wears sun-glasses to protect his eyes from the sunshine. threaten him with death 用死威胁他 threaten to do sth. 威胁要做某事 The clouds threaten rain. 云预示有雨。 vt. 威胁; 恐吓, 胁迫 有...的预兆; 预示着...的危险 decrease vt. vi. (使)缩短; 减小, 减少 The traffic accidents in the city decreased last year. 该城市去年交通事故减少了。 The population began to decrease. 人口开始减少。 People’s interest in the sport is decreasing. 人们对此项运动的兴趣已逐渐减退。 They decreased the size of the group from 25 to 15. 他们把小组的人数从25人减少到15人。 increase v增长 2. endanger vt. 使… 遭受危害 抽烟有害健康. Smoking endangers health. in danger 处于危险之中 病人处在危险中. The patient is in danger. be in danger of 有… 危险  be out of danger 脱离危险 endangered adj. 濒危的  dangerous adj. 危险的 The little boy was once ___________ losing his sight. in danger of What other ___________ species do you know? endangered (动词的过去分词做形容词) ★2. die out: disappear completely 灭绝 ★ 区别: die away: (尤指声音)慢慢消失 die off :相继死去 ;(草木)先后枯死 die down 逐渐减弱,逐渐模糊 (平息) He hid behind the door until the footsteps had _________. SARS has _______ in China. After the excitement of the first prize_



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