unit 8 Section A1.ppt

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Language points 部分供教师根据学生学习理解的实际程度 穿插选择讲解 教师可根据自身教学风格和学生特点任选其中一个导入 * 九年级全 Section A Period One whose truck picnic rabbit attend valuable pink anybody adj. pron. 谁的 n. 卡车;货车 n. 野餐 n. 兔;野兔 v. 出席;参加 adj. 贵重的;宝贵的 adj. 粉红色的 n. 粉红色 pron. 任何人 Words Review 1.whose adj.谁的 whose book is this? 比较whose 和whos 对形容词性物主代词;名词所有格;名词性物主代词进行提问。 2.picnic n.野餐 have a picnic=go on a picnic=go for a picnic= go to a picnic=go picnicking at the picnic 3.attend vt.出席;参加 比较attend和join attend+具有活动意义的词;join+组织 attend a concert/meeting/wedding/party/show attend school/class/university 4.valuable adj.贵重的;宝贵的 anything valuable 贵重的东西=something valuable 比较valuable, invaluable和valueless invaluable adj.极宝贵的=extremely valuable valueless adj.无价值的;没有用的=worthless value n.价值 of value=valuable value vt.重视 We should value our time, for time and tide wait for no man. Let’s enjoy a video. Listen carefully and find out what it talks about. To learn to understand and use must, might, could and can’t for making inferences (推断) It must be Mary’s. The person can’t be a boy. It could be Mei’s hair band. The hair band might belong to Linda. To listen, speak about and ask ownership What’s this? truck The _______ were loaded(装货) at the docks(码头). trucks picnic We’re having a _______ in the park this afternoon. picnic rabbit She likes to play with her _______. rabbit Can you guess? a ____ d Obama _________ the meeting yesterday afternoon. attended tten v__ l_____ I won’t waste any more of your ________ time. valuable a uable She/He can’t be _______. She/He could/might be _______. She/He must be __________. Huang Duoduo Bei er Yang Mi Wu Zhenyu Who is she/he? She/He can’t be _______. She/He could/might be ___. She/He must be _______. Whose phone is this? It belongs to me! *belong to “属于” It belongs to me! =It is mine. iPhone 6 Whose notebook is this? It may belong to … must belong to … can’t belong to … Deng Wen ? Tom Amy Deng Wen Whose guitar is this? It may belong to … must belong to …


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