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Crazy English 疯狂英语拿手好戏卡全集 第一拿手好戏:社交性寒暄的全面总结 1. A: How are you doing? B: Im doing fine/OK/pretty well/great/super/terrific/so-so. 或: Not bad. /The same as ever. /I cant complain too much. (我不能太抱怨。/还不错。) B: Terrible. Ive had a headache all morning. 2. A: Hows it going? B: Fine. /Pretty good. A: Hows everything with you/going? B: Well, Im still alive and kicking. /So far so good. 3. A: Howve you been? (你近来怎么样?) B: All right. 或: Not much lately. 4. A: How are things with you/going? B: Great. 或: Im just taking one day at a time. (我只是过一天算一天。) 5. A: Whats happening? (原意为有什么事,现在已演变成你好吗? A: Whats happening with you these days? B: Nothing much. (没什么。) 6. A: Whats new?/Whats up? B: Not much. / Nothing in particular. / Nothing special. 7. A: Anything interesting happening? 8. A: How are you (are they/is she /is he) getting along? (近来如何?)包括事业、健康状况等等! B: Keeping busy. Yourself? 9. A: How do you feel today? B: I feel like a new man. 还有两个特别地道的问候是*Whats going on? 和*What are you up to? 都表示你在忙些什么?,在美国电 影中常听到。 ★ 下面提供大量实用废话,让你成为人际交往公关大师! l Are you making progress? l Did you sleep soundly last night. l Have you gotten over your cold? l How come you look so tired? l Why are you in such a good mood? l I just stopped by to say hello. l What a pleasant surprise running into you. l Im glad I ran into you. Where have you been hiding lately? l Ive been thinking about you lately. Lets talk over coffee. l Youre just the man I want to see. l I havent seen you for ages/in years/for a long time. l Its nice to see you again. Have you changed jobs? l How was your trip to New York? l What has kept you so busy? 第二拿手好戏:和陌生人相识相知相交-非凡的能力 A: Mary, this is Stones brother Jim. B: Im very glad/pleased to meet you. C: Its a pleasure to meet you. /The pleasure is mine. B: How do you like China so far? /Whats your impression of China? /What



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