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检验员的英文自我评价   自我评价就像一面镜子,平时无法看清自我,但是在镜子前自己的美丑一览无余,下面是由xx小编分享的检验员的英文自我评价,希望对你有用。   检验员的英文自我评价篇一   Since xxxx came to the sea company, joined the Department of Quality Assurance, as a quality inspector, I know the importance of this post, so I do a solid job in their own work, in strict accordance with company standards test products, good quality, will Unqualified product control in the workshop, although the work will encounter many setbacks but I believe I can overcome and seek new solutions. From three aspects of my work to be summed up:   First, the duties:   1. Responsible for the production workshop of the product sampling, so that the quality of products in line with the corresponding standards;   2. Obey the distribution, obey the command, and strictly abide by the company#39;s rules and regulations and the relevant provisions;   3. Responsible for the company#39;s products to keep the kind of test, constant temperature test, record the results of experimental products, timely reporting.   4. Daily check transcripts and work records, monthly summary of work and make a work analysis, and into the improvement measures. 5. In all the work must be impartial law enforcement, non-discriminatory strict with the law has set an example by example.   Second, the work attitude:   1. love their jobs, work conscientiously, there are not afraid of tired of the spirit of fear, there is willing to be an unsung heroism. To act fair, loyal to their duties and work hard to master the skills. Be serious and responsible to the work, good at communication, coordination, failing to actively seek solutions;   2. To have a strong organizational skills and team spirit;   3. Lively and cheerful, optimistic motivated, caring and good at teaching and learning in parallel;   4. To be motivated, diligent in learning to continuously improve their own ability and overall quality. With plenty of energy, assiduously study the spirit to work hard and steadil


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