stops of optical system.ppt

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3. Properties 1) The depth of field will increase if the diameter of the blur spot Z’ is allowed larger. 2) For the photographic objectives, the expression of the relative aperture and depth field is From the above expression, we know the depth of field is in inverse ratio with the relative aperture and the focal length. Example: Suppose the effective focal length of a camera objective is f’=50mm, the relative aperture of the objective is 1:5, the allowable Z’<0.05mm, if the required object is at 2m distance, find out the position of the farthest and the nearest image plane? The depth field is 10-2 Depth of Focus (焦深) 11 telecentric optical system( 远心光学系统) 1.Telecentric system in object side(物方远心) 2.Telecentric system in image side (像方远心) Non-telecentric system leads to measurement errors Object telecentric system will avoid the measurement errors The aperture stop is located in the f’ surface, that is equal to the entrance pupil is at infinite plane, this is called object side telecentric system.( microscopy to measure the size of object) Aperture stop Non-telecentric leads to measurement errors Image side telecentric system avoid the measurement errors The aperture stop is located in the f surface, that is equal to the exit pupil is at infinite plane, this is called image side telecentric system.(to measure the size of object far away) Aperture stop * * * * * * 2) Field Stop A kind of stop which can limit the field of view 3 What is Field Stop? Object height and the field viewing angle 4.What is vignetting? (渐晕) Vignetting The width or diameter of the oblique beam is smaller than that of the axial beam. This will cause a reduction in the illumination at the edge of the image plane. This effect is called vignetting. Linear vignetting coefficient: High frequency information will be lost by optical system 4.What is vignetting stop? Vignetting Stop: A kind of stop which can select the imaging rays off the axial and some of the field to


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