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练习 Ⅰ、对照下列原句及其译文,指出译者翻译处理每句话采用了哪一具体策略或技法。 1. There was no haste or restlessness in his manner but a poised friendliness. 他从容不迫,和蔼可亲。 2. The lifetime dream of every mature artist in the United States was a Lathrop Prize. 在美国,每个有成就的艺术家一生的梦想,便是得一次拉索普奖。 3. All of his purchases of recent years had to be liquidated at a great sacrifice both to his health and his pocketbook. 近年来他所购买的全部东西都不得不用来清偿债务。这对他的健康和经济都是个很大的损失。 4. It gives the Lathrop Gallery pleasure to announce that the First Landscape Prize of $ 1000 has been awarded to Collis P. Ellsworth for his painting, “Tree Dressed in White.” 兹将风景画一等奖美金1000元授予“穿白衣的树”的作者柯利斯·波·艾斯沃斯先生。拉索普画廊宣布此项决定,深感荣幸。 5. She wondered at the magnitude of this life and at the importance of knowing much in order to do anything in it at all. 她对这种生活景象的伟大很是吃惊,也想到在这样的地方做事需有丰富的知识。 6. She felt the need of a breath of fresh air and a drink of water, but did not venture to stir. 她感到需要吸些新鲜空气,喝些水,但是她不敢动。 7. She was concentrating herself too thoroughly—what she did really required less mental and physical strain. 她的注意力过分集中了——她做这种工作,精神上肉体上都用不着那样紧张的。 8. In the Red Square, where Lenin spoke so often to his comrades, teaching, explaining, leading them forward to new battles against difficulties, his coffin is laid on the raised platform. 列宁的灵柩停放在红场的一个高台上——在红场上他曾经多少次地向他的同志们讲过话,他教导他们,给他们阐述革命道理,率领他们迈向克服困难的新战斗。 II. 运用适当的技巧翻译下列句子 It was soon recognized that this approach offered the best framework for a solution. 人们不久就认识到,这种办法提供了解决问题的最佳框架。 Some analysts say that the banks an anticipating money tightening actions by the Federal Reserve Board. 一些分析师说,各家银行希望联邦储备局采取紧缩银根的行动。 His snorting response was interrupted by the arrival of a much older man wearing a warm Christmas smile. 他刚一露出一副不屑搭理的模样,就过来了一位年纪比他大得多的人,满脸喜气洋洋的过节神情。 I like him none the less for being outspoken. 他说话很直率,但我照样喜欢他。 Pulling through the woods, the little swine-herd was coming towards her, in a shaggy cap, a short sheep-skin jacket. 树林里突然钻出一个人朝她走来,原来是小猪倌。他带着一顶蓬松的帽子,穿着一件羊皮夹克。 没有安定团结的政治环


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