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智课网TOEFL备考资料托福阅读总结题的解决方法 摘要: 托福阅读总结题主要目的:考查学生理解和识别主要内容和文中所提及重要的信息。下面,看看小马过河为同学们带来的介绍。 这类 托福 考题的特点:有六个选项,你可以从中选出三个最能表达主要思想的句子。这类考题分值是2分,选出三个得2分,选出2 个得1分,顺序选择不影响得分。所以这道题的考点主要在于对文章的主要观点和相对重要信息的理解和辨识能力,排除文中次要信息和未提及的信息。 解决方法: 一、 托福阅读 做题前的准备 大家都会花3-5分钟略读全文,把握整篇文章的大意和结构,这样可以站在全文的高度解题,避免出现“只见树木不见森林“的情况。对待全文总结题全文通读非常重要,在这3到5分钟之间要做好以下两步: 1、分清楚文章细节与主题。在读文章的时候做好文章分析,那些是本段论点,那些是段落中的举例,和离题内容。那些肯定不是答案。 2、阅读时做好简单笔记。理清文章思路。那些是论点及论点的支持论据,那些是转折,作者态度,就这三点。 以下面这篇阅读为例: Glacier Formation Glaciers are slowly moving masses of ice that have accumulated on land in areas where more snowfalls during a year than melts. Snow falls as hexagonal crystals, but once on the ground, snow is soon transformed into a compacted mass of smaller, rounded grains. As the air space around them is lessened by compaction and melting, the grains become denser. With further melting, refreezing, and increased weight from newer snowfall above, the snow reaches a granular recrystallized stage intermediate between flakes and ice known as firn. With additional time, pressure, and refrozen meltwater from above, the small firn granules become larger, interlocked crystals of blue glacial ice. When the ice is thick enough, usually over 30 meters, the weight of the snow and firn will cause the ice crystals toward the bottom to become plastic and to flow outward or downward from the area of snow accumulation. 第一段主题:冰川的形成是长期的积雪压缩和晶状体累积,最后一句为细节信息,冰块超过30米之后,会有积流。 Glaciers are open systems, with snow as the system’s input and meltwater as the systems main output. The glacial system is governed by two basic climatic variables: precipitation and temperature. For a glacier to grow or maintain its mass, there must be sufficient snowfall to match or exceed the annual loss through melting, evaporation, and calving, which occurs when the glacier loses solid chunks as icebergs to the sea or to large lakes. If summer temperatures are high for too long, then all the snowfall from the previous winter will melt. Surplus snowfall is


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