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2012年温州市中职英语技能竞赛 职场应用环节比赛说明及规则 比赛说明: 本部分含两个阶段。 第一阶段:在备赛区进行,限时30分钟,两名选手通过沟通和协作完成并提交任务单(Worksheet),并按照比赛要求分别准备第二阶段的比赛内容。 第二阶段:在赛场进行,选手A按要求向评委陈述任务完成情况(限时3分钟),选手B回答评委的现场提问(限时2分钟)。 本部分满分40分。 比赛规则: 1. 选手只能用英语交流(包括读和写),否则将被取消参赛资格; 2. 两名选手之间不得互相展示或交换任何材料,否则将被取消参赛资格; 3. 选手可根据需要在赛题上书写内容,汇报或回答问题时可携带此材料,但不得携带除此以外的其他材料; 4. 本比赛环节期间,选手不得与除队友之外的其他人就比赛内容和方法进行交流,否则将被取消参赛资格。 For Contestant A Only 选手A: 假设你是Linda,某公司的新职员,上班第一天,你要去 Customer Service Center接受上岗训练。你的队友是Customer Service Center的主管,你需与队友沟通并记录你工作中所遵守的要求。 Worksheet Section 1 Read and decide the good manners in workplaces. Tick (√) in the brackets. B阅读For Contestant B Only的内容,与A交流,由A填写任务单Worksheet中的Section 1。 ( )1. Wear clean company-issued clothes while working. ( )2. You can greet your customers without looking at them. ( )3. If the customer is wrong, you can argue with him. ( )4. Never make personal phone calls when serving customers. ( )5. Make sure your workplace is clean. ( )6. Be patient and polite all the time. Section 2 Write down the missing words to sum up the workplace manners. B阅读For Contestant B Only的内容,与A交流,由A填写任务单Worksheet中的Section 2。 While working, you should wear __________ clothes, and put on your __________ .Greet and serve your customers with a__________ and make __________. Listen to your customers carefully, understand what they need. Deal with__________ helpfully and efficiently and never try to __________ them. Besides, you should always keep the workplace __________ to make feel customers comfortable. Section 3 Discuss with B and make a decision. What else should we do to offer customers better service? 备注:任务单仅由选手A填写(任务单一式两份,其中一份填写答案、在背面签字后,交给裁判;另一份抄写答案,自己留存,供选手A在赛场陈述时使用)。 (Keep this sheet to yourself) Worksheet Section 1 Read and decide the good manners in workplaces. Tick (√) in the brackets. B阅读For Contestant B Only的内容,与A交流,由A填写任务单Worksheet中的Section 1。 ( )1. Wear clean company-issued clothes while working. ( )2. You can


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