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Unit 2 Is your food and drink healthy? healthy delicious bread fish hamburger ice cream noodle rice sugar adj. 健康的 adj. 美味的 n. 面包 n. 鱼肉;鱼 n. 汉堡包 n. 冰激凌 n. 面条 n. 米;米饭 n. 糖 eat child be good for sweet egg eye cheese tooth a bit v. 吃 n. 小孩儿,儿童 对……有帮助的 adj. 甜的 n. 鸡蛋 n. 眼睛 n. 奶酪 n. 牙齿 稍微;有点儿 tired soup important remember well stay fat breakfast every adj. 劳累的 n. 汤 adj. 重要的 v. 记住; 想起 adv. 好地 v. 保持; 停留 adj. 肥胖的 n. 早饭 adj. 每个, 每一 Label the pictures with these words. bread candies cola fish hamburger ice cream noodles rice sugar Read and think: How to stay healthy? Choose food from Units 1 and 2 for your meals. breakfast lunch dinner Join these sentences with but. 1. Juice is a healthy drinks. Cola isn’t a healthy drink. 2. Noodles are healthy food. Hamburgers aren’t healthy food. 3. Meat, vegetables and fruit are healthy food. Cola, ice cream and hamburgers aren’t healthy food and drink. 4. Chocolate is delicious. Too much chocolate isn’t good for you. 一、单项选择。 1. Fish is healthy food ___ I don’t like it. A. and B. but C. also 2. Hamburgers and Coke ___ unhealthy food. A. is B. has C. are 3. His grandmother is seventy. She’s ___ good health. A. at B. in C. with 二、按要求写出下列单词的复数形式。 1. bread _____ 2. candy _______ 3. hamburger __________ 4. noodle _______ 5. carrot _______ 6. tomato ________ a bit 的意思是“有点儿,稍微”, 可以用来修饰形容词、副词、动词。如: 3. A bit tired? 感觉有点儿累吗? 这是一个省略句,完整的句子应该是 Are you a bit tired? The shoes are a bit old. 这双鞋有点儿旧了。 He walks a bit fast. 他走得有点儿快。 Can you turn the radio down a bit? 你能把收音机的音量稍微关小点儿吗? 4. Eat noodles or rice, not hamburgers. 吃面条和米饭,不要吃汉堡包。 noodles是名词,意为面条。该词总是以复数形式出现,当noodles作主语时, be动词要用复数。英语中有些名词总是以复数形式出现。如:clothes衣服, glasses眼镜, pants裤子, shoes鞋等。 Juice is a healthy drink but cola



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