chpt6-Language and Cognition语言学幻灯片.pptVIP

chpt6-Language and Cognition语言学幻灯片.ppt

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Chapter Six Language and Cognition 1. What is Cognition? Mental process or faculty of knowing, including awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment.个人心理过程或知识的能力,包括意识、知觉、推理和判断等。 Three approaches The formal approach: structural patterns, including the study of morphological, syntactic, and lexical structure. 形式法主要研究语言结构模式,包括对形态、句法和词汇结构的研究。 The psychological approach: language from the view of general systems ranging from perception, memory, attention, and reasoning. 心理法从一般的认知系统如感知、注意和推理的角度来研究语言。 The conceptual approach: how language structures (processes patterns) conceptual content. 认知法关注语言中组织概念内容的方式和过程。 2. Psycholinguistics 心理语言学 Psychological aspects of language. Psychological states and mental activity with the use of language. Language acquisition, language production comprehension. 心理语言学是对语言的心理方面的研究,通常研究与语言使用相关的心理状态和心理活动,如语言的习得、产生和理解等。 Six subjects of research Language acquisition (L1 / L2)语言习得 Language comprehension语言理解 Language production语言产生 Language disorders语言障碍 Language and Thought语言和思维 Neurocognition神经认知 2.1 Language Acquisition Holophrastic stage 独词语阶段 (1-1.2/2) Language’s sound patterns 开始学习发音 Phonetic distinctions in parents’ language. 开始对父母话语语音的差别敏感 One-word stage: objects, actions, motions, routines. 多是具体名词,说明动作、行为和常规的词,社交常用语,非独词的记忆模块 Two-word stage: around 18m Acquisition speed: one word every two hours Word order: 妈妈抱抱 / 抱抱妈妈 Three-word-utterance stage Give doggie paper. Put truck window. Tractor go floor. Fluent grammatical conversation stage Embed one constituent inside another: Give doggie paper. ? Give big doggie paper. Use more function words: missing function words and inflection in the beginning (90%), but good use by the age of 3, with a full range of sentence types. All parts of all languages are acquired before the child turns four. 使用更多的功能词:3岁之前的话语象电报,忽略功能词和曲折形式;语言的各方面都可在四岁前掌握(除了罕用、主要用于书面语中的句式结构或者成人也要费力掌握的句式结构) 2.2 Language comprehension- (1)Word recognition 单词辨识 Mental lexicon(心理词汇库): information ab


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