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老子道的管理觀 The Verification of Laozes Management Thought 陳 右 勳 副教授 中華技術學院 財金系 副教授 Yow-Shiun Chen, Associate Professor Department of Finance , China Institute of Technology 摘 要 老子道法自然,無為而無不為,指約而易操,事少而功多(司馬談語),為管理最高境界。本文旨在探究老子「無為而治」的形上原理、管理理念、管理方法及領導引擎。研究發現,老子的無為管理,就是「沒有管理的管理」,其核心思想是「為無為,則無不治」;「為之於未有,治之於未病」;及「我有三寶,持而保之,一曰慈,二曰儉,三曰不敢為天下先」。他的最大貢獻是「為而不爭」的創造精神,及「以百姓之心為心」的民主管理思想。 關鍵詞:1.無為而治 2.生而不有 3.大制不割 4.反者道之動 ABSTRACT Laozes Tao patterns itself after Nature. Tao is ever inactive and get leaves nothing undone. It gets twice the result with half of the efforts. It will be the best frontier of management. The purpose of this paper is to explore Laozes metaphysics as having governed efficiently without exertion; the idea of management; the principle of management; and the leadership engine. Our research has discovered that Laozes thought is to be managing without management. Its primary thought is that「it practices inaction and so nothing is ungoverned」;「it manages your business before it comes into existence and regulates your business before it gets disorderly and confused」;「and as for me I have three treasures which are invaluable and need to be held for long and they are mercy, frugality, and not daring to be first in the world.」. The Laozes greatest contribution is to be creative spirits of action but not to contend. And the Laozes democratic thought of management-「The Sage shall care for the peoples opinions and felling as his own.」 Keywords: 1.Action without needs 2.To create but not to possess 3.The greatest law never harms 4. Reversion is the action of Tao. 壹、緒論 在實務上,管理是具體的方法與技巧,是責任與擔當,同時也是一種藝術。成功的經理人或企業家,雖然沒有正式學過管理學,但談起管理,有時似乎比管理學者還頭頭是道〔10〕。令人疑惑的是,有些飽讀管理學的人,做起事來竟然與管理之道相悖。這是為什麼?原來,管理是以「人」為中心,是一種透過他人有效完成活動的過程〔8,57〕。管理藝術,包含「決策智慧」、「應變能力」以及「人性因素」三部份〔50〕。當然,管理學還包括管理科學,故我們認為管理學較為詳盡的涵義:管理是在變遷的環境裡,透過他人工作過程完成組織目標,其重心在有效能(effective)和有效率(efficient)地運用有限資源。〔72〕 據此可知,管理是實踐的活動,重點在人、組織與效能、效率。為了追根究柢,我們勢必要問,為何明明很注重管理反而管理失敗?「效能」與「效率」從何而來?研究結果顯


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