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台灣新紀錄之平額厚紋蟹及其大眼幼體記述 On the new record grapsoid crab, Pachygrapsus planifrns De Man, 1888, (Decapoa, Brachyura, Grapsidae) from Taiwan, with notes on its megalopa 李政璋13 黃榮富2 張文炳1,3 Li, Jheng-Jhang13, Jung-Fu Huang2, Wen-Been Chang1,3 1.國立東華大學海洋生物多樣性及演化研究所 2.國立高雄海洋科技大學 3.國立海洋生物博物館 1. Graduate Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology National Dong Hwa University 2. Department of Aquaculture, National Kaohsiung Marine University 3. National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium 摘要 厚紋蟹屬(Pachygrapsus Randall, 1840)世界分佈14種,台灣本文以沿岸大眼幼體採集方式新增平額厚紋蟹Pachygrapsus planifrons De Man, 1888一種。本種大眼幼體的以五對胸肢指節與種大眼幼體區,本文即簡要描述這些可資區別之特徵。,。關鍵詞:新紀錄、大眼幼體、厚紋蟹。Abstract The grapsid crabs, Pachygrapsus, have been recorded 14 species from the world, of which 4 species previously could be found in Taiwan. An unrecorded species, P. planifrons, in megalopa stage were collected from the littoral zone off Pingtung, Taiwan by this study. The megalopa stage of P. planifrons can easily identified with its allies, P. plicatus and P. minutus, by shape and numbers of spine align the margin of 2nd and 5th periopod. We supposed that the population of P. planifrons is with relatively richness owing to specimens of whole life stages can be found at the same habitat of megalopa. Key words: Taxonomy, new record, Taiwan, megalopa, Pachygrapsus. 前言 厚紋蟹(Pachygrapsus Randall, 1840)分類地位隸屬於節肢動物門(Arthropoda)甲殼綱(Crustacea)軟甲亞綱(Malacostracea)十足目(Decapoda)爬行亞目(Reptantia)短尾下目(Brachyura)方蟹總科(Grapsoidea)方蟹科(Grapsidae)方蟹亞科(Grapsinae)。世界共有14種 (Ng et al., 2008),台灣紀錄四種 (Ng et al., 2001):粗腿厚紋蟹Pachygrapsus crassipes Randall, 1839,由Sato (1936)首度紀錄;法島厚紋蟹Pachygrapsus fakaravensis Rathbun, 1907,由Hwang與Yu (1980)首度紀錄;小厚紋蟹Pachygrapsus minutus A. Milne Edwards, 1873,由Sakai (1939)首度紀錄;褶痕厚紋蟹Pachygrapsus plicatus (H. Milne Edwards, 1873),由Huang (1994)首度紀錄。而平額厚紋蟹Pachygrapsus planifrons De Man, 1888先前已紀錄分布於塞席爾群島、聖誕島、可可斯島、泰國、印尼、南中國海各島、日本、關島、吉里巴斯、富那富提、夏威夷、富那富提、突亞莫土列島、克利珀頓島 (Poupin et al., 2005),本文首度紀錄於台灣。 短尾類幼苗破卵


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