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College English Creative Reading 3跨文化交际英语·阅读教程3Unit 3Seven Questions about SleepNote on the TopicLearning Objectives1. Gain a full comprehension of the importance of sleep and its benefits in the form of an online question-and-answer session in the text; 2. Think about how to get better sleep to improve your lives;3. Develop your creative skills through discussing and inventing proverbs about sleep.Before You Read 1.Watch the following video and discuss the following questions with a partner. 2.Discuss the following questions with a partner.2.1 How many questions about sleep are discussed in the video?Five.2.2According to the video, how much sleep should we get on average per night?Sleep experts recommend that we get up to nine hours of sleep per night.2.3 What are the tips suggested in the video to get better sleep?Keep the room as dark as possible; go to bed earlier.2.4 How much sleep do you usually get on average per night? Why?Answers will vary to this question. A sample answer could be:I get four to five hours of sleep per night because it’s enough for me to refresh myself and I believe there are many things more important than sleep. 2.5Among the questions asked in the video, which one do you think is the most helpful to you? Give your reasons.Answers will vary to this question. A sample answer could be:I think the fourth question is most helpful because I haven’t slept well for a long time and it provides me with some possible solutions. Reading ALive Online Chat with DTracy99 | posted 1 week agoI know we all sleep but why? It seems like a waste of time to spend so long in bed when we could be studying or earning money. Can’t we just take a catnap whenever we feel tired?DrSue Tracy99 | 2 days agoHi there!Let’s get one thing clear: you can’t simply exchange hours of sleep forhours of study or work because you need to sleep at the right time, and the right time for sleep is roughly 10.00 pm to 6.00 am. Why is this? Well, of course it’s dark then and darkness h


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