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He has managed to live on every part of the planet, even though some climates have made life more difficult than others.尽管有些气候已经使人类的生活比其他的气候更加困难,但人类还是设法生存在这个星球的各个地方。 句中的manage作“设法完成”解,有“经过努力最后终于完成”的意思,作此义解时,后而多跟不定式。又如: He managed to escape from the fire.他设法从大火中逃了出来。 The room was very dirty, but he managed to clean it.这个房间很脏,但是他终于把它打扫扫二净了。 manage和try都有“设法”的意思,但前者强调“终于完成了”,而后者则可能完成,也可能没完成。例如: He tried to escape from the fire,but was badly burnt.他设法从大火中逃出来,但还是被烧成重伤。 He managed to escape from the fire and finally succeeded.他设法从大火中逃出 来,终于成功了。 even though是连词词组,作“即使”“尽管”解,引出表示让步的状语从句。even though也可以用even if代替,意思和用法相同,又如: Theyll stand by you even though you dont succeed.即使你不成功,他们也会支 持你的。 She wont leave the TV set, even though (if) her husband is waiting for his supper.尽管她的丈夫正等她吃晚饭,她还是不愿意离开电视机。 Sometimes man moved; sometimes he remained and endured the discomforts.有时候,人们迁移;有时候留下来忍受着艰难。 endure的意思是“忍受”“忍耐”,后跟名词、不定式或动词-ing形式作宾语。又如: I cant endure that woman.我对那个女人忍无可忍。 I cant endure to see/seeing children suffer.看着儿童受苦,我可受不了。 She couldnt endure to hear/hearing about it.听到这事,她难以忍受。 The Indians endured much pain.印第安人忍受了很多痛苦。 句中remain作“停留”解,与stay同义,可以换用,又如: Please remain/stay here till I return.请呆到我回来。 How many weeks will you remain here? 你将在这儿停留几周? 另外remain还用作连系动词,作“继续保持” “仍然处于某种状态”解,后跟形容词、名词、分词或介词短语,作表语。例如: If you dont eat youll just have to remain hungry.如果你不吃东西,你就得继续挨饿。 He remained in his seat after all the other students had gone home.在别的学生者已回家之后,他仍然坐在座位上。 The door remained closed.门仍然关着。 We can remain friends.我们仍然是朋友。 She remained sitting when they came in.他们进来时,她仍然坐着。 remain也有“剩下”“还有”“留下”的意思,用作不及物动词。例如: A few flowers still remained on the tree.树上还剩下几朵花 Where man has remained, he apparently has undergone some physical changes that have helped him adapt to his climate.在人长期逗留的地方,人就会明显地经历某些有助于他适应当地气候的身体上的变化。 句中undergo (underwent,undergone)意思是“经受” “遭受”,又如: 1.The travelers underwent many difficulties.旅行者们经受了很多困难。 2. She has undergone a thoro


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