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Unit 14 Lets help the old. bookcase [ ’b?kke?s ] sofa [ ’s??f? ] bed [ bed ] dresser [dres?(r)] n. 化妆台; lamp [ l?mp ] bedroom kitchen floor 英 [fl?:(r)] n. 地面,地板; 楼层; window door 对了, 今天我们就将学习 一些家务活儿的 英语表达法。 一般将来时句型 am is are 现在进行时(肯定句句型) I am You are He is She is It is We are You are They are The boy is The girls are clean~cleaning [ kli:n ] 动词变成现在分词规则 1. 直接加ing 2. 去e加ing(后面有一个不发音的e) 3. 双写加ing (一个元音加一个辅音结尾,双写辅音,不能是字母组合,辅音必须发音) 动词变成现在分词规则 1. 直接加ing jump walk wash sweep read comb 动词变成现在分词规则 2. 去e加ing(后面有一个不发音的e) come make dance take write see 动词变成现在分词规则 3. 双写加ing (一个元音加一个辅音结尾,双写辅音) hop sit scrub clap stamp clean draw play pay Part 1 句型 th maths moth mouth bath teeth fourth mouth cloth Lets help the old. key points Phrases: tidying the books, feeding the bird/dog,moppinng/sweeping/scrubbing the floor, cleaning the window/cupboard, reading a story book, making tea, washing the tamatoes,clean the kitchen. Sentences: Whats he doing? He is mopping the floor. Here we are! Would you like to listen to my story? Yes,thanks a lot. Would you like a cup of tea? Yes,please. Ill clean the kitchen. 1. We are friendly. 2. I often do homework. 3. I can help at home. 4. I am good in class. 5. I can lend a hand. 6. I run every day. 7. I can help make things. 总结 take to . take me to school take to take me to the shop give [giv] give me a hot dog Buy [bai] buy me a hot dog and a very small clock show show me the animals get get me the fruit work hard [w??k] [ha:d] 努力学习;辛勤工作 现在进行时(肯定句句型) I am You are He is She is It is We are You are They


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