M5 Newspapers and Magazines总复习课件 (外研版必修2).ppt

M5 Newspapers and Magazines总复习课件 (外研版必修2).ppt

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M5 Newspapers and Magazines总复习课件 (外研版必修2).ppt

Module 5 │ 单词点睛 7 part n. 部分,零件,局部,角色 v. 使分开,分离; 使分裂; 分开,分手 partly adv.      部分地 play a part in  起作用;扮演角色 play the part of…  扮演……的角色 for the most part  通常;多半 for the part of…/for…part 就……而言,对……来说 take part (in sth)  参加,参与 Module 5 │ 单词点睛 【活学活用】 (1)Health education will ___________________________peoples life. 健康教育将在人们的生活中起着重要作用。 (2)The pain of _________has lessened over the years. 分离之苦在过去的几年里减轻了。 (3)The jobs attracted people____________________________. 这些工作吸引了世界各地的人们。 play an important part in parting from all parts of the world Module 5 │ 单词点睛 (4)She wanted to __________but she was too ill. 她想参加,但是她身体太虚弱了。 (5)____________,I prefer living in the country. 对我来说,我宁愿住在乡下。 (6)His attractiveness is _______due to his self-confidence. 他的吸引力部分来自他的自信。 take part For my part partly Module 5 │ 短语储存 短语储存 1 take off 起飞;脱下;开始成功;开始走红;休假 take sb/sth away (from sb/sth)     带走,移去;解除 take (sth) over (from sb) 从某人手中将某事接手;接替;接任 Module 5 │ 短语储存 【活学活用】 用take相关短语的适当形式填空 (1)The plane is due to _________at 7:50 from the airport. (2)I would like to _____next Thursday____. (3)Her singing career________ after her TV appearance. take off take took off off Module 5 │ 短语储存 2 more than 多于(+数词);不仅仅(+名词) more than + adj. /adv.  很; 非常 more than…can/could 不能;难以 more…than… 与其……不如……(强调前者) no more…than 和……一样不…… not more…than 不如…… no more than 仅仅,只不过 not more than 至多,不超过 whats more 另外,而且 Module 5 │ 短语储存 【注意事项】 (1)“more than+名词”表示“不仅仅”,如: Modern science is more than a large amount of information. (2)“more than+数词”含“以上”或“不止”之意,如: There are more than 80 students in my class. (3)“more than+形容词”,意为“很”或“非常”,如: I am more than glad to help you. Module 5 │ 短语储存 (4)在“more…than…”中,肯定“more”后面的而否定“than”后面的,等于“是……而不是……”,如:Catherine is more diligent than intelligent. (5)“mor


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