Unit 21《Human Biology》总复习课件 北师大版选修7.ppt

Unit 21《Human Biology》总复习课件 北师大版选修7.ppt

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Unit 21《Human Biology》总复习课件 北师大版选修7.ppt

4.They always________________________________________________________________________their bedrooms before they go out. 答案: clear up 5.The spirit of sports emphasizes taking part________________________________________________________________________winning. 答案:  rather than 6.After a thorough medical examination,the doctor____________the patient from drinking. 答案: prohibited Ⅱ.完成句子 1.如果法国队队员有更好的协作,在这样一次重要的体育赛事中他们会表现更好。 If the players of the French team had had better teamwork,they________________________________in such a major sporting event. 答案: would have performed better 2.那些被认为是生手的人已经被证明是熟练的工人。 Those________________green hands have been proved skilled workers. 答案: known as 3.如果学生在学校里被发现抽烟,就无法逃避惩罚。 If a student________________________in the school,they can’t escape punishment. 答案: is caught smoking 4.她负责采购电视连续剧所需的道具。 She was________________buying the properties for the television series. 答案: responsible for 5.这次水灾造成近百亿元的损失,使它成为历史上最大的一次水灾。 The flood led to nearly 10 billion yuan worth of loss,________________the worst in history. 答案: making it 6.最近一直在下雨,我们不得不把会议推迟到下周。 Recently we are having rainy days,so we have to________the meeting________next week. 答案:  postpone;till/to 7.即使你是一个优等生,向别人学习也是必要的。 Even though you’re a top student,it’s necessary________________________others. 答案: to learn from 8.你本来可以通过驾照考试,但是你太粗心了。 You________________________the driving test,but you were too careless. 答案: could have passed Ⅲ.语法专练 本单元语法——条件句和混合条件句;情态动词和表达法 1.(2011·河北衡水模拟)—Did Jack take the doctor’s advice that he________in bed for a couple of days? —If only he________. A.lies;does  B.lay;did C.lie;did D.lie;had 解析: 句意为:——杰克是否采纳了医生的建议,在家里躺了几天?——要是他真那样做就好了。第一空考查advice的同位语从句,从句中的谓语用(should+)动词原形,所以选lie;第二空if only但愿……,要是……的话就好了,其后用虚拟语气,根据句中Did Jack...可知与过去事实相反,故选had,相当于:If only he had taken...。 答案: D 2.—Sorry for having kept you waiting.But for the traffic jam,I________20 minutes earlier. —Never mind.I haven’t been waiting that long. A.arrived B.would arrive C.would have arrived


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