创新设计-学业水平考试2016-2017高中英语必修二(浙江专用人教版)课件 Unit 1 Section Two Language Points1课件 .ppt

创新设计-学业水平考试2016-2017高中英语必修二(浙江专用人教版)课件 Unit 1 Section Two Language Points1课件 .ppt

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创新设计-学业水平考试2016-2017高中英语必修二(浙江专用人教版)课件 Unit 1 Section Two Language Points1课件 .ppt

He insisted that we accept these gifts. 但是表示坚持一个事实, 一个主张或想法时, 不用虚拟语气 eg. He insisted that he caught sight of a man in the room at that time. Ex. 她坚持说你那天晚上是在场的. She insisted that you were present that night. eg. He couldn’t have gone abroad , as I saw him just now. ※????? could /can +have done 也可以表示“本来(过去)可以做到,但实际并没有做到”之意 eg .You could have passed the exam. Ex. 我们本来可以把钱借给他,但他没有告诉我们他需要钱。 We could have lent him the money but he didn’t tell us he needed the money . eg. be of great value = be very valuable importance important use useful help helpful eg. I am pleased to have been of help to you . =very helpful ※ popular in those days 是形容词修饰the fancy style .相当于定语从句, 通常放在名词之后 = which is popular in those days . agree to 指 “接受” “认可”, 常指并非出自主观愿望的同意 Ex . You and I _____________this point . They might not ____________his opinions. She can’t ____________your demands I ___________what you said. 12.? Later, Catherine Ⅱhad the Amber Room moved to the Palace… ※????? have sth. done 表示 “请人做某事” eg. I had my hair cut yesterday. Ex. 我要请人修理单车. I want to have my bike repaired. ※????? have sth. done 还可表示 “使遭遇某种(不幸的)事情” eg. I had my watch stolen last night. He had his leg broken in the match last week. 14.? Almost six hundred candles lit the room. light vi.& vt. 照亮,点亮 过去式,过去分词可用lit, lighted, 当过去分词作定语修饰名词时,只能用 lighted a lighted candle ( ) a lit candle ( ) ※????? There is no doubt 后接名词时,需用介词 about / of , eg. There is no doubt about / of his honesty. doubt 也可作及物动词,“怀疑,不信”, 在肯定句中常接whether / if 从句,在否定句中常接 that 从句 eg. I doubt whether we can get the first place in the competition. I don’t doubt that he will tell us the truth. * Unit 1 Cultural relics survive vi. 幸存,生还 n. 幸存者 survivor eg. The custom has survived for thou



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